Friday, November 29, 2019
The Cratchits all worked Essay Example
The Cratchits all worked Paper In A Christmas carol, how does Dickens make the reader aware of the conditions of the poor in the 19th century? In what ways does he make his message palatable? The story of A Christmas Carol is set in Charles Dickens home town of London. In the Victorian period Londoners were split in two categories, the rich and poor and the streets were filled with diseases and many poor children died at young ages. There were many big families who had small but affordable meals throughout the year, but for one day in the year they attempted to earn as much money as they could so families could have a special meal. This day was Christmas and in my essay I am going to be describing how Dickens get across the Christmas spirit people have. Dickens knew London well and he saw all the poverty on the streets and the diseases. Dickens cared immensely about poor peoples welfare and started writing his books to help people understand the hard lives poor people had to live, to earn enough money and make enough food for their families to survive. He hoped that someone would listen to what he had seen and change London to make the poor and rich an equal community. Many businessmen in Dickens lifetime were making their money from the Royal Exchange. Like them Scrooge was a very wealthy businessman who is selfish and only cares for himself. Scrooge rarely spoke to people as he kept himself to himself and didnt like expressing his feelings to other people. He showed his attitude to people when he said, every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. We will write a custom essay sample on The Cratchits all worked specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Cratchits all worked specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Cratchits all worked specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He should. Businessmen were supported by their clerks who worked very hard for an amount of money that could only afford to rent a house and support a small family. This would usually be about i 80 a year. But Bob Cratchit who worked for Scrooge as a clerk was treated even worse then most poor workers who were never treated with dignity. He was paid below the average pay for a regular poor worker, so struggled to pay for food and his family bills. He had to work in terrible conditions, for example Scrooge looked after the coal box and wouldnt give Cratchit fclerk put on his white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which efforts, not being a man of strong imagination, he failed. Bob Cratchit really loved Christmas and when he applauded Scrooges nephew talking to Scrooge about how great Christmas was, Scrooge said, Let me hear another sound from you and youll keep your Christmas by losing your situation. Scrooge had threatened to sack Bob Cratchit so close to Christmas and just shows how mean he was and how poorly workers were treated in Victorian times. In Dickens time workers were paid poor money but they had to rely on this income so much because if a poor person didnt have this small amount of money they would surely have to live on the streets begging for food and would find it difficult to get another job which is why Bob Cratchit cant argue with Scrooges dismal treatment of him and he just has to cope with it. Cratchit had to work everyday in the year, except Christmas which was the one day the Cratchit family would have a proper meal with a goose and lots more treats they wouldnt be able to afford on an ordinary day. Christmas was a day that poor people didnt care about the expense of all the food or presents, it was a day that all families came together. The Cratchits all worked together to make their Christmas dinner, Mrs Cratchit made the gravy, hissing hot; Master Peter mashed the potatoes with incredible vigour; Mrs Belinda sweetened up the apple sauce; Martha dusted the hot plates. Christmas was a great day for all poor people but they all knew the next day was just another ordinary day and so they would have to go back to the usual boring diet which usually consisted of bread and potatoes but this is why the Crachits were so happy at Christmas as it was the one day they would have a good meal and would be very happy. In the Victorian times population in London was at its peak. This meant there were more illnesses mainly young people but it was usually only the richer families that got treatment. If a poor person got ill they wouldnt stand much chance of surviving.
Monday, November 25, 2019
10 Tips to Avoid Tick Bites
10 Tips to Avoid Tick Bites Finding an engorged tick on your body is never fun. Ticks carry diseases, which might make you think twice before your next hike into the woods. You dont have to avoid the outdoors, though. Your first line of defense is avoiding their bites. Follow these 10 tips to avoid ticks- and, more importantly, tick bites- when you head outdoors. Why Ticks Pose a Serious Health Danger Unlike chiggers, cockroaches, and bedbugs, ticks are much more than a nuisance. They can carry and transmit several serious diseases that, untreated, can be debilitating or, in rare cases, even deadly. Not all ticks carry all tick-borne diseases, but of course, its better to be safe than sorry. If you are in areas with brush or grass at temperatures above freezing, you are at risk of tick bites. According to the CDC, many different types of ticks located all over the United States carry disease. Tick-borne diseases include but are not limited to: Lyme disease- a disorder that can cause a wide range of serious symptoms ranging from joint disorders to heart issuesHeartland virusRocky Mountain heartland feverTick-borne relapsing feverTularemia Once you have a tick-borne disease, it can become chronic. Even after treatment, many people have residual symptoms from tick-borne diseases. About Anti-Tick Pesticides and Repellents DEET and permethrin are the two most effective pesticides against ticks. In combination with long pants, socks, and long-sleeved shirts, they can help protect you from ticks. Its important to know that: DEET is a completely different chemical compound from DDT. It has been tested and found to be safe when used according to instructions. It is very important, however, that it not be ingested.Permethrin is a potent pesticide but does carry some risks. Typically, permethrin is used on clothing, boots, and other outerwear. It should not be used on the skin.Veterinary products such as Advantage and Frontline can be applied monthly to cats and dogs and do a very good job of minimizing pest infestations (including ticks). Pet shampoos and coat treatments are likely to be less effective and much messier. Tips for Avoiding Tick Bites 1. Use a product with 20 percent DEET or higher on both skin and clothing. Carefully apply the repellent by hand to your face, neck, and ears, avoiding your eyes or mouth. Adults should apply DEET products to young children, and its important to warn children not to touch their skin. You may need to reapply DEET products after several hours. 2. Apply permethrin to clothing, hiking boots, tents, and camp chairs. Permethrin products should never be used on skin. It remains effective on clothing through several washings. Permethrin is sold under the names Permanone and Duranon. You can use permethrin on your own clothing, but if youre expecting to need tick-proof clothing on a regular basis you may want to invest in pretreated clothing such as the line of gear sold by Ex-Officio. The treatment lasts up to 70 washings.​ 3. Wear light-colored clothing. Youll have a better chance of seeing a dark tick crawling on you before it makes its way to your skin. 4. Wear long pants and tuck them into your socks. Tuck your pant legs into your socks, and keep your shirt tucked into your waistband. In areas where ticks are abundant, consider using rubber bands or even duct tape to create a tick-proof barrier at your cuffs. 5. Dont forget to treat your pet. Dogs often accompany their humans on the trail, and they are just as likely to attract ticks as you are. Fortunately, once-a-month treatments such as Advantage can keep ticks at bay with relatively little fuss. 6. Stay on the trail. Ticks are usually found in brush and high vegetation, waiting for a passing host. When your leg brushes through the vegetation, the tick transfers to your body. Walk on designated trails and avoid blazing your own trail through meadows or other grassy or brush-covered areas. 7. Avoid tick-infested places. In some places, ticks may be too abundant to avoid, even with the best repellents and long pants. If you venture a few feet into a wooded area or field and find your legs covered with ticks, turn around. 8. Be vigilant- do a daily tick check. Strip down and search all those places that ticks love to hide: in your hair, under your arms, between your legs, behind the knees, and even in your belly button. Remember that some ticks are tiny, so you will have to look carefully. Ask a friend to check your back, neck, and back of your legs. 9. Put your clothes in the dryer, and tumble them on high heat. Research shows many ticks can make it through the washing machine, even when you wash in hot water. Most ticks will die during a cycle in the hot, dry air of your clothes dryer, though. 10. Check your pets and your kids before letting them loose in the house. Ticks can easily drop off of pets and children onto carpets or furniture. Then they can wait there for days for a human being or pet to come along. Be sure to check both pets and children after time outdoors.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
Answer questions - Essay Example As a result of different environmental conditions between Earth and Mars like absence of plate tectonics in Mars, the Olympus Mons cooled forming slopes that were 21km high. This is due to over a million years of cooling. There are several volcanoes on earth that match the characteristic of the Olympus Mons although they are not as big. A good example is the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. This is the greatest volcano on the planet Earth despite being oversized almost three times by the Olympus Mons. Mauna Loa is also classified as a shield volcano and its 9km in height and 120km across. However, a volcano the size of Olympus Mons cannot be found on Earth because of unsuitable condition for such formations. Radiometric dating is the process of analyzing the radioactive elements in a rock so as to determine its age (Weins, 2002). This dating method is based on the knowledge of radioactive decay whereby an unstable element (parent) breaks down by giving of electrons, neutron or protons to form a new daughter isotope (same element but with different atomic mass). Each particular unstable element takes a predictable amount of time to decay from a parent to a daughter element called half-life (Weins, 2002). The knowledge of the half-lives of different element can enable scientist to determine the age of a rock. This dating technique is most suitable for igneous (volcanic) rock with radioactive elements whose half-lives are known. The presence of different radioactive isotopes in the rock has brought forth the existence of many radiometric techniques each depending on the isotope in question. A scientist can opt to analysis abundant unstable elements found in rocks. Elements like Lutetium-176, Uranium-238, Uranium-235, Rubium-87, Potassium-40, and Carbon-14 are preferred because of their instability, abundance, and known half-life (Dickin, 2005). This method calculates the age of rocks between 100,000 years to above 3.6billion
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Alternative high schools the path for the education of the future for Essay
Alternative high schools the path for the education of the future for youth to compete in a global economy - Essay Example A wide range of philosophies and teaching methods are offered by alternative schools. â€Å"The only true education comes through the stimulation of the students powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to conceive of himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.†John Dewey. Schools decided the way a student’s life works, the way their mind develops and ultimately the life choices they make. Ordinary public schools usually cram information into students heads and test-test-test! Alternative schooling ensures students grow a creative mind of their own, by letting them learn for themselves. The actual teachers give structure to their ideas, and encourage them to think constructively and gain true knowledge .Alternative schooling aims at preparing students for the practicalities of living and succeeding not just during school life but to participate in the global economy by providing them with necessary knowledge and skills. â€Å"High school was something I had to break out of, because all of it felt like chains that were keeping me down. And when I did, one day, break free, I felt liberated and ready to take on the world. Not because I had learned so much in high school, but because I no longer felt a restraint on my creativity.†this is a comment posted on the net by Faruk Ates a professional web developer .3 In conventional schools, areas of knowledge and particular skills fall into orderly categories, in life they merge together into a rich and intricate texture. Alternative schools may be defined as ‘an educational establishment with a curriculum and methods that are nontraditional.’ (Definition of alternative school) 1 .These schools have a special syllabus offering a more flexible curriculum of study than a conventional school. Such schools exist in various forms like Alternative Schools,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Audience Ethnography. Commentary and observations on TV viewing Assignment
Audience Ethnography. Commentary and observations on TV viewing behaviour - Assignment Example The youngest child usually chose cartoons or adventure TV shows. Choice TV shows also differed for the males and females, with the males gravitating towards action movies and violent TV shows and the females opting for romantic movies, entertainment shows, and reality shows. The older adults were often observed watching documentaries. Common shows watched in the family included the early evening news. Watching TV news channels is generally considered a social activity for the family because most members of the family watch it even if the younger audiences sometimes may not understand it (Gauntlet and Hill, 1999). When watching the news, the parents often expressed their opinions about the news with their older children. The eight year old boy was usually not paying attention to the news and was often seen doing his homework or playing games on the tablet device. The older children sometimes shared opinions about the news, but in general, they simply agreed with their parents. At times, they expressed their sadness about the news, especially if the news involved accidents or young people like them. The watching of the news also coincided with family dinner times and the family usually watched the news while eating their dinner. After watching the news, the members of the family had different viewing preferences, but as a family, they already acknowledged that there were times when it was someone’s turn to watch something on the TV. After the news on a Monday evening, they knew that their father liked to watch Mythbusters and on a Tuesday evening, the family knew that the older children liked to watch their favourite TV series. On Saturday mornings, the family also allowed the youngest member of the family to watch cartoons. On Saturday afternoons, their father, grandfather, and middle child usually watched the replay of the Rugby match. On Saturdays at 8 pm, the family usually put on a movie from their DVD selection, one which all of them could watch. The TV viewing logs indicate that television means different things to different viewers. Some individuals value it for its entertainment value and others believe that it is an important source of information into the bigger world. As such, it is more than entertaining, and it is also informative and absorbing (Gillespie, 1998, in Gauntlett and Hill, 1998). The family enjoyed the time where they can watc h together as a family because it meant that they could interact and socialize with each other and were together even for only an hour or two in a day. They also enjoyed Saturday evenings when they could watch a movie on the DVD player because it also meant that they could share in the TV experience. The rest of the time, they knew that they all had different tastes in films and TV shows and would also be busy with their own personal concerns. Watching DVDs was a way of bringing them all together regardless of their preferences in TV shows and watch a film as a family (Wilson, 2004). It was noted that the DVD player was used regularly by the different members of the family. Some used it to fill in their free time, to entertain themselves, to watch pre-recorded shows, and to simply recall favourite shows and movies (Gauntlett and Hill, 1999). Technology has now allowed for the pre-recording of programs to watch at a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Terminologies in the ICN architecture
Terminologies in the ICN architecture The research on the Information-centric Networking initiated with the need to replace the current inefficient architecture to a promising model that could satisfy future network necessities [1]. The several projects on this research are differentiated in the operations of the key building blocks common to most projects [4]. Named Data Objects (NDOs) Â Â Every content on the internet ranging from a web page, documents to media files is referred to as objects (NDOs) which are independent of location, storing and retrieval methods [4]. NDO and its name is the identity of the information on the internet which can be copied, requested and supplied. NDOs can also hold representative data about the information held by the object [4]. Naming Every NDO in ICN is to be assigned a unique name, and should also associate an integrity check with the information it holds to ensure reliability [4]. They are always location-independent and range from structured to flat and may be human interpretable or not [1].There are two different naming schemes hierarchical and flat namespaces. The hierarchical scheme has a structure to the name rooting to publisher prefix which may also be human-readable in some cases, enabling aggregation and scalability in routing mechanisms [4]. The flat namespaces use the hash of the content with the objects name for direct binding and embed public key and hash of the content for indirect binding [4]. The publisher field in flat names facilitates some level of route aggregation even if it is a non-hierarchical scheme [4]. The difference in the design trade-off affects routing and security mechanism [4]. Security This feature is correlated to the naming scheme adopted by the approach. Human-readable names require external trust agent for verification, while flat names support self-certification and validation [1]. Hierarchical naming is considered disadvantageous as it relies on public key infrastructure (PKI) [4]. Application Programming Interface (API) The ICN API is related to the operation of asking and getting the NDOs. There are different terms denoted for the operation that varies which will be discussed during respective approach. The source provides NDOs by publishing it to the network. The user requests the network to get the NDOs by subscribing to it. As per approach, the publish/subscribe operation may be synchronous or asynchronous, while some support location preferences [4]. Name Resolution, Routing, and Forwarding of the Content The name of NDOs is resolved by matching the information name to the source provider [1]. Resolution may be direct or indirect routes to the source/s. The operation is carried out by Name Resolution Service (NRS) in the routing infrastructure which stores pointers to the storage locations containing the object names [4]. The routing and forwarding of the objects are carried out in multiple steps which involve routing the request to the direct source or to the responsible NRS, translation of object name to source/s addresses if indirect, forwarding the request to the source and fulfilling the requested data back to the client [4]. The content routing may be coupled or de-coupled to the name resolution process. Coupled routing backtraces the request message path from the client and follows the same for delivering content. De-coupled routing uses different routes which can be generated by an independent routing module that provides a deliverable route to the source [1]. Caching Caching is application-independent and may be done at every node in the ICN infrastructure [4]. ICN supports on-path caching and off-path caching. On-path caching is caching the information along the path of NDO request message while Off-path caching is exploiting the information cached outside that path [1]. Off-path caching can be supported in both coupled and de-coupled routing mechanisms by routing systems or NRS respectively [1]. Mobility ICN facilitates content request process from user end as the request can be re-initiated after the handoff while providing mobility to the source is difficult in both coupled and de-coupled approach as it burdens the system with additional updates [1]. By caching and replicating content at multiples nodes closer to the mobile subscriber, the ICN infrastructure saves costs and time by bypassing possible congestion [2].
Thursday, November 14, 2019
mauryan empire :: essays research papers fc
The Mauryan Emperor, Ashoka, is famous for his Rock and Pillar edicts. But how much can we really know about Ashoka and his empire from these edicts, particularly as almost no other evidence exists for Ashoka’s reign? It is a fair assessment that up until the early part of the twentieth century, when the definitive link between Ashoka and that of the â€Å"Devanampiya Piyadassi (Beloved of the Gods Piyadassi)†character inscribed on the edicts was established, very little was either known about Ashoka or cared for by historians. However, it must be said that the Mauryan Empire itself was an era of significant historical value not without a good deal of historical and archaeological evidence to substantiate its importance. In addressing the issue of what the edicts in particular reveal to us about Ashoka and the period of his reign one needs to acknowledge undoubtedly what is being stated, but perhaps moreover one needs to pay attention to the inherent meanings, the intended meanings and the contextual meanings of the inscriptions themselves. The ultimate thematic concern of the edicts in general is that of the principle of Dhamma. A definition of Dhamma itself is given in the 2nd Pillar Edict as: â€Å"having few faults and many good deeds, mercy, charity, truthfulness and purity†. In this context one may deduce that the notion of Dhamma is a type of ethos for social morality or ethical behaviour. Furthermore, the term is said to be a fundamental philosophy of Buddhist doctrine, the practice of which leads to one’s advancement in both a spiritual and material sense. That Ashoka was a proclaimed Buddhist is evident from the edicts, â€Å"I have been a Buddhist layman for more than two and a half years, but for a year I did not make much progress. Now for more than a year I have drawn closer to the Order and become more ardent.†There are fewer examples of a more personal self-proclamation to be found and yet one cannot help but consider the motive behind it. Surely Ashoka, had taken seriously to Buddhism, he at least says so. However, he says so, publicly. This implies that he either was a firm believer who had a need to use his position as a platform to preach a doctrine which he had come to accept as the ultimate truth and as such, to share with and enlighten his people or he was a very sensible and intuitive leader who had a tremendous amount of foresight in adopting the principles of a profound philosophy that he saw could be used to strategically unify and mould his empire both socially and politically.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Israel’s Stand: Thwarting Terrorism by Decimating Hezbollah Essay
Another specter of fear surged around the globe recently and the terrorist group Hezbollah is the one to be blamed. Terrorism is not only a threat by itself because it sows fear in a nation of civilians and their neighbors. Most terrorist groups like Hezbollah are more dangerous than â€Å"loners†and â€Å"crazies†because they are not crazed at all. These people believe that to spark terrorism is a right thing to do. Ultimately, the goal of Hezbollah is to force the Israel government to respond to their violence in a harsh manner, in the hope that such repression will lead to discontent among the people and would lead it to bow down to their selfish interests. In this case, we could deem that terrorists believe that they could use their tactics to forward their goals  to destabilize governments and occupational forces. Such terrorism is directed at a specific goal that is easy to articulate and understand, such as overthrow of the current political regime. On the other hand, radical Islamic believers’ frequently state goal of terrorist groups is to promote a certain religious system or protect a set of beliefs within a religion. This kind of terrorism is called religious terrorism. A good example of this type of terrorism is the use of jihad, or holy war, by Islamic fundamentalists who wish to protect their religion from â€Å"creeping secularism and cultural imperialism posed by Western countries such as the United States†(Ali and Bowe, 1988). Israel, as a nation, has gone through the most grueling conditions. Its politics at large have been strongly influenced by two seemingly contradictory forces: the Jewish people’s long history of persecution and repression-culminating with the systematic killing of about six million Jews during World War II. Also, as a consequence of the Holocaust, many people stood negatively upon the violent creation of the state of Israel in 1948 and until now it threatens their country’s militant record and continuously adding to their violent history. The haunting memories of the Holocaust and the conflicts between Israel, its neighbors and the Palestinians have profoundly shaped Israeli society, psyche and politics. The reaction of Israel to the recent conflicts with Hezbollah could be deemed as it really wanted to put a stop to their violent history. Even before, major terrorist groups, such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, oppose the existence of Israel and reject the creation of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza. They have pledged to continue terrorism against Israel’s Jews until all of Palestine is liberated and not one inch of it is under Jewish control. For them mere contiguity is irrelevant. Essentially, these terrorists groups are closed to the idea of â€Å"compromise†because they want everything. In mid-July 2006, the leader of Lebanon-based Hezbollah announced that his militant Islamic group had captured two Israeli soldiers. The Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, asserted that the soldiers would only be returned through a combination of dialogue and prisoner exchange. He added that the operation had been planned in advance of the capture of another Israeli soldier by Palestinian militants in Gaza. Underscoring his militant stance, the head of Hezbollah also said that if Israel wanted to escalate the crisis, his group would be ready to deal with a possible confrontation. The Israeli government held urgent cabinet meetings regarding the situation and approved a strong military offensive in Lebanon  in response to Hezbollah’s actions and also for the purpose of finding the two captured soldiers. Israel warned that it would hold Lebanon responsible for the fates of the two captured soldiers, pointing to the fact that Hezbollah had been allowed to attack Israel from within Lebanese borders with impunity and irrespective of the parameters of international law. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert characterized the actions of Lebanon-based Hezbollah as an â€Å"act of war. †The Israeli leader’s promise of â€Å"painful†and â€Å"far-reaching†consequences was issued just as its forces launched a military assault on southern Lebanon. The initial assault left several Israeli troops and civilians dead, even as roads as well as Hezbollah interests were attacked within Lebanon. As an organization, Hezbollah essentially means â€Å"Party of God†but their aims do not necessarily imitate â€Å"godly†actions. Their history emanated to help the Islamic Revolutionary Guards fight active opponents who demonstrated in the streets. The name was used as early as 1973 by Ayatollah Mahmood Ghaffary in Iran. It was resurrected in 1978 in one of the revolution’s slogans: â€Å"Our Party Is the Party of Allah and Our Leader Is Ruh Allah. †The so-called party consisted of a thousand young thugs who infested Tehran’s poor neighborhoods. For a modest monthly allowance, they waged street battles against members of more sophisticated political groups. In contrast to its beginning, the â€Å"party†today boasts a membership of more than one million adherents in Iran alone. Its offshoots in Muslim countries, Europe, and America act as operatives and as a vanguard for the Islamic Republic of Iran. In Lebanon, the party also has a powerful military wing that has bombed Israel and given assistance to militant groups like Hamas in the Gaza Strip (Hoveyda 94). Just last year, Hezbollah challenged United States as Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the main Hezbollah leader taunted the Bush administration’s claim that Lebanon was part of the U. S. -supported democracy wave. â€Å"You are wrong in your calculations in Lebanon,†he said in a Pro-Syria rally in Beirut. â€Å"Lebanon will not be divided. Lebanon is not Somalia; Lebanon is not Ukraine; Lebanon is not Georgia†. In an interview, the leader was quoted saying: â€Å"Forget about your dreams of Lebanon. What you did not win in war, I swear, you will not win with politics†(Fattah A1). Clearly, Nasrallah is inviting conflicts and not interested to talk about peace. Feldman of the New York Times Magazine stated that Israel is the only democratic society in a region where autocratic states exist, where they tolerate terrorist groups like the Hezbollah. With the Iraqi war’s success in stopping Al-Qaida, it assumed the democratic stance of the United States in their counter-terrorism initiatives. As the Hezbollah now is forwarding its aims by elections, it won the by popularity in Lebanon. It left no choice to Israel but to stage the attacks to decimate the Hezbollah terrorists once and for all (9). With this cause to topple Hezbollah, the Israeli Left which is accustomed to damn every government, has rallied behind Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The national unity is as impressive as the determination. Only that one difficulty for Israel, while Hezbollah is the overt enemy, the real authors of this crisis is Iran and its opportunistic sidekick Syria. Arab states and their terrorist groups have discovered that attempts to wipe out Israel do irremediable damage to themselves. Iran’s Shiite leaders believe that their messianic Islamic revolution can achieve the victory that eluded the secular or Sunni Arabs. The terrorist organization Hezbollah is just the frontline weapon for the purpose, supposedly a vanguard of Shiite supremacy but in reality just a group of mercenaries that Tehran arms, finances, and disavows all in the same breath (National Review 19). Furthermore, the National Review indicated that: In the past, Israel has killed Hamas leaders, and in the present operations it has detained a number of others. Like Hezbollah, Hamas is paid and sponsored by Tehran, but its followers are Palestinian and Sunni, and it is conceivable that Israel will agree to a cease-fire and the exchange of the Hamas leaders it holds for Cpl. Gilad Shalit, kidnapped by Hamas. No such deal is possible with Hezbollah, in part because it is an existential threat in a way that Hamas is not, and in part because Tehran would never accept it, even as it twisted any humanitarian negotiating position that Israel might adopt into evidence of weakness and surrender. Israel has killed previous Hezbollah leaders, and arrested others, and now it is destroying Hezbollah’s infrastructure, its headquarters, Al-Manar television station, and much else. If commandoes or aircraft close in on Nasrallah, the likelihood is that he will do a bin Laden and go to ground in Syria or Iran. Whatever happens, and however long it may take, Hezbollah has to be pushed back far enough to leave its arsenal of missiles unthreatening to Israel. Such an eventuality could only encourage the Lebanese at last to settle accounts with these gunmen in their midst. As further conflicts rise in the efforts of Israel, United Nations Secretary Kofi Annan expressed shock at the â€Å"apparently deliberate targeting of the post,†especially since he claimed that Israel had assured him of the safety of United Nations personnel. Israel responded by conveying its regret over the matter. Some Israeli spokespersons criticized Annan for â€Å"irresponsibly†accusing their country of deliberate action before an investigation could be carried out. A day later, an initial report into the deaths of the United Nations peacekeepers was released. The report indicated that despite repeated contacts by the United Nations  10 in total  with Israeli troops regarding the closeness of Israeli strikes in the area, and regardless of promises from the Israelis that the shelling would stop, the United Nations post was hit by a precision-guided missile following a period of about six hours of constant shelling. Although we are aware of the extent of damage that Israel is pushing against the Hezbollah, Israel is still taking full responsibility about the matters of not including civilians. It is the Hezbollah to blame because they are using the civilian as â€Å"shields†to their ongoing skirmishes. As Hezbollah is getting the media mileage by appealing to the world that Israel is ganging up on innocent civilians. On the ground in the conflict zone, Israeli troops experienced one of their bloodiest and most challenging days. Eight soldiers died and around 22 were injured in clashes with Hezbollah; it was the most significant loss of troops to Israel since the start of the conflict. The clashes ensued at Bint Jbeil  the very town that Israel said it had taken control of a day earlier. In a separate incident of fighting, a ninth Israeli, this time an officer, was killed. In the city center of Tyre in Lebanon, a huge explosion destroyed a multi-storey complex, supposedly regarded as the offices of another Hezbollah commander. On the other side of the border, Hezbollah continued its rocket assault on Israel, leaving about 31 people injured. It was estimated that Hezbollah was firing rockets at a rate of over 100 per day into Israel. Hezbollah seems to be applying the approach similar to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida’s. Bin Laden has used his ties with al-Qaida to conduct a worldwide campaign of terrorism. The primary goal of Bin Laden and his supporters is to liberate Palestine, with secondary goals of removing the Saudi ruling family from power and driving Western military forces and their corrupt, Western-oriented governments from predominantly Muslim countries. Most Islamic fighters have no interest in strategies of authentication or existential realization and no interest in Marxist theories of emancipation. But, in one respect, their actions echo stunted ideas that the act of terror not only had an expressive meaning, but an existential meaning as well. To wit, even suicide can be life affirming (Coker 291). Terrorism should be thwarted at once before it could sow more damaging effects in the future. The nation of Israel has unified for this aim because, in the real sense, they have had enough of these radical terrorist groups that has threatened them over the years. It is time for Israel to find out whether there is a democratic antidote to the poisons that have long been flowing around their borders. Yes, action entails risk. But so does inaction. Like the catastrophe of 9/11 was only the most dramatic consequence of a quarter-century of inaction, of denying that the rise of radical Islamism and terrorism were matters to be taken seriously around the globe. Works Cited Coker, C. â€Å"War Without Warriors†. In Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond, Buckley, M. & Fawn, R. (Eds. ) (pp. 284-295). New York: Routledge, 2003. Fattah, Hassan M. â€Å"Pro-Syria Party in Beirut Holds a Huge Protest,†The New York Times, March 9, 2005, p. A1. Feldman, Noah. â€Å"Ballots and Bullets†, New York Times Magazine. (New York, Jul 30, 2006): 9-12. Hoveyda, Fereydoun. The Broken Crescent: The â€Å"Threat†of Militant Islamic Fundamentalism. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998. National Review. The Israeli Front, 58. 14 (New York, Aug 7, 2006): 14. Pro-Syria Party in Beirut Holds a Huge Protest Hassan M. Fattah, Jad Mouawad contributed reporting for this article.. New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N. Y. : Mar 9, 2005. pg. A. 1 Copyright New York Times Company Mar 9, 2005 Shouting anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans, hundreds of thousands of Lebanese poured into central Beirut on Tuesday in a show of strength by the militant Shiite Muslim party Hezbollah, which opposes a withdrawal of Syrian forces from Lebanon. The enormous crowd, in which many had been bused in from the Shiite slums of southern Beirut, was far larger than the anti-Syrian demonstrations of recent weeks that have drawn broad international support. It offered a defiant challenge to the Lebanese opposition forces that have insisted on Syrian withdrawal and exposed fault lines of class and ideology. †Today, you decide the future of your nation and your country; today, you answer the world,†the Hezbollah leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, said in a rare and surprise appearance. Banners held aloft read: †No to American-Zionist intervention. Yes to Lebanese-Syrian brotherhood. †President Bush, speaking later in Washington, stepped up pressure on Syria to withdraw its 14,000 troops before Lebanon’s elections in May, saying the forces of authoritarianism across the Middle East are facing a fast-moving wave of popular opposition. The emergence of democracy in Lebanon, he said, would amount to a ring on †the doors of every Arab regime. †[Page A10. ] The participants at the demonstration here represented, by and large, a very different Lebanon from the educated, better-off Christians, Druse and Sunni Muslims who have captured the world’s attention since Rafik Hariri, the former prime minister, was assassinated Feb. 14 by a huge car bomb. While the anti-Syrian opposition movement has been called the Cedar Revolution, a reference to the Lebanese national tree, it has also been called the BMW revolution. The demonstration included far more women with covered heads and many men in traditional dress. Since the killing of Mr. Hariri, a billionaire who resigned as prime minister to protest Syrian domination of Lebanon, many Lebanese parties have called for the complete withdrawal of Syrian troops, which have been here since 1976. Backers of the withdrawal have taken to the streets in demonstrations reminiscent of the events in November in Ukraine, where a rigged election was overturned partly through popular rallies. The Lebanese opposition blames Syria for Mr. Hariri’s death, a charge Syria has denied. Hezbollah, or the Party of God, had remained quiet until Tuesday despite invitations by the opposition to join. The opposition has been struggling to demonstrate that it is the voice of the majority while becoming a favorite cause of the Bush administration. †Freedom will prevail in Lebanon,†Mr. Bush said Tuesday. †The American people are on your side. Millions across the earth are on your side. †But Hezbollah, which the State Department classifies as a terrorist group, is now Lebanon’s best organized political party and maintains a militia of some 20,000 men. United Nations Resolution 1559, passed in September 2004, calls for both the withdrawal of all foreign forces and the disarmament of Lebanon’s militias. To Hezbollah and its followers, the foreign threat to Lebanon comes not from Syria but from Israel and its ally, the United States. Israel occupied part of southern Lebanon from 1982 until 2000 in order to prevent infiltrations from radical anti-Israel groups. Many Lebanese Shiites say Israel still has designs on their land and that the American-backed democracy movement is simply another form of American imperialism. †Forget about your dreams of Lebanon,†Sheik Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, said at the rally, speaking to Israel’s leaders. †What you did not win in war, I swear, you will not win with politics. †Speaking to the Bush administration, he said: †You are wrong in your calculations in Lebanon. Lebanon will not be divided. Lebanon is not Somalia; Lebanon is not Ukraine; Lebanon is not Georgia. †Ahmad Moussa, 22, a student at the rally, said: †We’re here to defend our liberty and our true sovereignty, the sovereignty of the resistance. The opposition wants to open the door to the Americans and to foreign intervention. We will stop them. †The demonstration was held in Riyadh al Solh Square a few blocks from Martyrs’ Square, where the opposition movement has held its demonstrations. The pro-Syrian demonstrators filled the open field in front of United Nations offices in Beirut, and stretched across nearby overpasses, roads and tunnels. Officially, the demonstration was sponsored by several political parties. But the rally was all Hezbollah, complete with well-designed banners, anthems, crowd control and a secret police infrastructure to ensure that things stayed peaceful. Hezbollah, which has 13 of the 128 seats in the Lebanese Parliament and hopes to expand its power as the country prepares for the May elections, clearly wanted to make a show of strength through the demonstration, challenging the opposition’s claim to represent the nation’s future. †I want to show the Americans, the French and the U. N. that we are the majority of the Lebanese and that we have a voice,†said Youness Ismail, 26, a restaurant owner from the poor southern suburbs, who had arrived in the square on Tuesday morning. †All they have done is make us promises they never kept, and now they are trying to use the international community to reoccupy us. †Like the opposition movement, the demonstrators waved Lebanese flags and called for national unity, while demanding the truth behind Mr. Hariri’s assassination. But the sea of people also raised photos of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and the Lebanese president, Emile Lahoud, an ally of Syria. Some banners read, †America is the source of terrorism. ††This is a goodbye party, not a show of support for Syria,†said the opposition leader Jibran Tuweini, editor of the Lebanese daily An Nahar. †If they wanted this to be a challenge to us, they would have brought their party’s yellow flags. But Hezbollah doesn’t want to burn its bridges with anyone because ultimately they will have to return to the Lebanese people once everything is over. †At Martyrs’ Square, opposition demonstrators who have been camping out expressed their frustration at the growing demonstration not far away. The roar of the crowd could be heard as the tents rustled in the wind, and many Hezbollah demonstrators walked past the opposition tents pitched at the square. The Lebanese Army showed up in full force to ensure that both groups were kept apart. †Shame on them  they are carrying flags and raising pictures of foreign leaders,†said Samer Samer, 57, who had brought his two sons to the opposition camp. †They’re like us; they want no foreign interference and want the U. S. , Israel and France out. But we also want the Syrians out too. †Fears that the growing political tension will lead to a resurgence of violence have grown in recent days as Lebanon’s political and sectarian fault lines have re-emerged. Lebanon’s rival groups fought a vicious civil war from 1975 to 1990, leaving parts of the country in ruins. †This is a delicate situation but not a dangerous one,†Mr. Tuweini, the opposition leader, insisted as he watched the demonstration on television from his office overlooking Martyrs’ Square. †I’m not worried about the unity of the Lebanese, but I am worried that car bombs and assassinations will happen as we try to defend it. †The demonstration came one day after Syria began a redeployment of its forces to the Bakaa region. But Mr. Assad and Mr. Lahoud said in a statement on Monday that a complete withdrawal would await negotiations with a future Lebanese government, raising the likelihood that Syrian soldiers will still be in the country during the elections in May. On Tuesday, Lebanese officials told The Associated Press that the main Syrian intelligence offices, along with Syrian troops, would be relocated by March 23, when the Arab League is to hold its annual summit meeting in Algeria.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Human Rights for Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities Essay
This article discussed key human rights points that are not essentially practiced throughout the world. Lawrence Gostin states that liberty, dignity, equality, and entitlement are those points which the World Health Organization are working on further for others to accept as human rights norms for individuals with mental health disabilities. The review will provide examples of the violation of human rights some persons with mental disabilities are exposed to. The group WHO put in place legal precedent and public pressure; created by this body of international law they have encouraged domestic governments to apply human rights principles to their policies affecting mentally disabled individuals at the national and sub-national level. Human Rights for Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities The overlooked and unspoken of disability of mental illness has been brought to the forefront with this article Lawrence Gostin has written. International Human Rights Law and Mental Disability provided great detail of how these individuals are seen, portrayed, and handled out in society. In our society mental illness is seen as instability and people continually turn their noses up in disgust when dealing with persons with such diagnosis. Many human rights are taken away from these people and can lead to some negative experiences. â€Å"The mentally disabled have ended up in prison, in equally deplorable adult homes, or on the streets, homeless and destitute,†says Gostin explaining the disregard for this demographic. As he describes this neglect I relate it to the same mistreatment to the individuals that called Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York, home from the 1930’s until 1987. This facili ty’s was planned out for mentally disabled children, after ping-ponging ideas of its patient focused goal from U.S Army hospital to Veteran services, Willowbrook held to its original plan. While beginning seemingly well this insane asylum took a turn for the worst and began experiencing hepatitis outbreaks, extreme overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, and malnutrition. In 1987 after much controversy the hospital closed down. This facility was a clear example of the violation of human rights and how the mentally disabled are treated not only in society but also the neglect seen in some health care organizations. The World Health Organization, European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) are working together to change that negative connotation. These groups wish to provide all disabled people their â€Å"four interrelated human rights: liberty, dignity, equality, and entitlement.†With these values individuals can ultimately work there in a normal environment instead of being pushed into dark insane asylums. The major initiative now is to engage society as a whole in strive for public mental health. The movement of public mental health reaches to involve population based services, screenings for mental illness, and education on the topic of mental health. History shows society, government included has not treated the mentally disabled population very well, and these measures are a step closer to erasing those d iscrimination and prejudice lines. Reference Gostin, Lawrence O. (March-April 2004). The Hastings Center Report: International Human Rights Law and Mental Disability, 34.2, 11-12. Fisher, Danny (Producer), & Fisher, Jack (Director). (14 February 1997) Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years After Willowbrook [Motion Picture]. United States of America: Willowbrook State School, Staten Island, New York City, New York.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Public Vs. Private Colleges Where Should You Go
Public Vs. Private Colleges Where Should You Go SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips While you may end up deciding to apply to a mixture of public and private colleges, you should be aware that each type has its own general set of characteristics that may be more or less aligned with your preferences.Which type of school is cheaper? Which colleges are bigger, and what opportunities exist in private vs public universities? In this article, I’ll discuss the differences between public and private colleges that you should consider in your search. What Are Public and Private Colleges? Before we get to the main differences, let’s take a second to define public and private colleges.Public colleges are higher educational institutions that areset up and funded by state governments.Well-known public colleges include the University of California, Ohio State University, the University of Alabama, and the University of Texas. Private colleges are higher educational institutions that areset up and funded by individuals outside of the government.Private colleges may be either â€Å"non-profit†or â€Å"for-profit†. Non-profit private colleges are solely focused on providing a quality education for students and helping them to achieve academic and career goals.They answer to a financially disinterested board of trustees, not an owner and shareholders. For-profit private colleges exist as businesses at the mercy of shareholders. Their goal is to turn a profit first and foremost.Though they strive to provide a quality education, if a program isn’t making them money, they will cut it even if that's not in the best interests of their students. Most reputable colleges are non-profit. This includes big names like Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. For-profit schools like University of Phoenix, Devry, and ITT Tech generally have poor reputations for helping their students and delivering a quality education. For the purposes of this guide, when we refer to private colleges we'll be talking about non-profit colleges only. What Are the Main Differences Between Public and Private Colleges? Funding and Tuition Costs Public colleges are mostly funded by state governments.The government pays for the operating costs of public colleges and universities and oversees the operation of public colleges through boards and trustees.This influx of government money means that students do not pay the real cost of attendance - they pay the cost after significant subsidies from the government.For this reason, public universities can afford to offer lower tuition prices on average.Average tuition at public colleges for the 2014-15 school year was $9,139 for in-state students and $22,958 for out of state students. Private colleges, on the other hand, are not funded by the government in any way.They rely on alumni contributors and tuition to pay for their programs.This usually forces students to carry the full cost of their education, leading to higher tuition prices.Average tuition at private colleges for the 2014-15 school year was $31,231. Class Size and Demographics Public colleges tend to have larger class sizes, especially at the introductory level.This may result in less direct access to professors and fewer class discussions.Many students come from in-state because of the lower tuition prices and higher admissions rate, so there may be less geographical diversity in the student body. Private colleges have smaller class sizes on average.This means closer relationships between students and professors and more class discussion opportunities.There will also be more geographical diversity in the student body since in-state and out of state students are not given different tuition prices. Class discussion at a small college Degree and Program Offerings Public colleges tend to have a larger student body and offer a wider variety of degrees and programs.The largest universities in the US are public, and some host undergraduate populations of over 40,000 students.At a public college, you'll be able to find pretty much any type of major program you want. However, you'll usually have to be more of a self-starter because there is less direct guidance from advisors. Private colleges don't have the same large range of major choices as public colleges, and they tend to have smaller student bodies overall.There are some private colleges that have less than 500 students total.Private colleges make up for their lack of scope with more specific curriculum requirements or a specialized focus in liberal arts or engineering.They are also more likely to have excellent advisory systems and allow students to design their own courses of study. Research Opportunities Public universities, due to their abundance of government funding, often have cutting edge research facilities and virtually endless resources.Even with all of these possibilities, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd and get the support of professors for your research efforts. But if you’re willing to put yourself out there, public universities have some of the best opportunities in the country for intense academic research, especially in the hard sciences. Private colleges may have less resources and facilities overall, but they make up for it with easy access to professors and individual encouragement of student research efforts.Many private colleges institute specialized research programs and opportunities for students.With small class sizes, you’ll have more of a chance to get close to your professors and potentially work with them on projects. The Science Learning Center at the University of Texas, Dallas. Campus Life Public colleges usually have vibrant communities with a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities and a thriving party scene.There’s something for everyone within the social scene, and you’ll find many people who share your interests no matter how obscure they are.At public colleges, there's always something going on. Private colleges may still have very diverse communities and lots of extracurricular opportunities, but everything typically exists on a smaller scale. Those are just some basic differences between private and public colleges. Remember, they're generalizations.Some private colleges are very large and may have more of a public college atmosphere.It’s up to you to research specific schools and learn more about their characteristics. Which Type of College Is a Better Fit for You? You may be more suited for private or public colleges depending on your academic goals and social preferences.Many students apply to both types of schools, so don’t assume that you have to choose one or the other yet. Here are a couple of questions you can ask yourself to decide whether private or public colleges will be a better fit: Do You Enjoy Meeting Lots of New People? If you’re an outgoing person, you may be happier in the social environment of a large public college.At these types of colleges, you'll constanly meet new people and be presented with opportunities to try different activities.You can expect a wide variety of social experiences with lots of on-campus events and parties. At most private colleges, the student body is smaller, so the social scene may offer fewer options and feel more claustrophobic.However, this can also result in familial feeling amongst students and a more comfortable, friendly atmosphere.If you’re less outgoing and enjoy seeing people you know around all the time, the private college scene may be more your speed.Keep in mind that some private colleges are on the larger side and some public colleges are on the smaller side, so it’s important to consider each school’s characteristics on an individual basis. Are You Interested in a Specific Program? If you have a particular course of study in mind, make sure the colleges where you apply have the appropriate programs and resources. As outlined in the previous section, public colleges may have more advanced research facilities that will be useful if you plan on going into the hard sciences. If you think you're more interested in the humanities, it may not make a difference whether you go to a public or private college. Even if public colleges have more extensive libraries, private colleges usually have the wherewithal to request materials for students from other off-site libraries. Since private colleges offer more flexibility in their programs, you might think about attending a private college if your interests are diverse and might not fit neatly into one premade major track. Are You an Independent Learner? In general, if you're more of a self-starter, you will thrive at a public college. Even though public colleges have many resources, it's hard to know where to begin if you want to take full advantage of these opportunities. If you're naturally a resourceful person who's willing to go after what you want rather than waiting for it to come to you, a public college could be great for you. On the other hand, if you think you'll need more guidance to navigate your college experience, a private college could be a better fit for your personality. In a less overwhelming atmosphere with more direct supervision from professors and academic advisors, you'll have a better chance of realizing your full potential. Do you celebrate every day of your life with an extravagant fireworks display? You might be independent! Get it? Independence Day? Sorry I know I'm reaching here. Public vs. Private Colleges: Doing Your Research Now it’s time to actually research some schools based on your preferences.You canstart with College Navigator, which is a search tool that allows you to look for schools based on location, program type, and, of course, public or private status.If you’re looking for private schools, I would recommend checking the box for non-profit schools. You’ll get results that show all the public or private schools in the area of the country that you’ve specified.You can look at the statistics for these schools and add them to your favorites if any of them strike your fancy.You can also compare them side by side to see what the best options are. After searching on College Navigator, you might consider creating a profile on Cappex, where you can find more colleges and get statistics about campus life alongside student reviews.This is also a great place to create a list of colleges that interest you and compare them.If you complete your profile on Cappex, you’ll also get more recommendations for colleges that match up with your preferences.Remember, many students apply to both public and private colleges, so if your list includes a few of each type that’s totally fine! Conclusion Public and private colleges differ in the ways they are funded: public colleges are funded by state governments, while private colleges are funded by private individuals and organizations.Public and private colleges also have many characteristics that set them apart including tuition, enrollment size, social scene, and program offerings. You may decide to go to either a public or private school based on how well your personality and academic goals align with the general characteristics of each type of college.Make sure that you do your research and get the specific facts on each school before judging just based on whether it's public or private.You may end up applying to both private and public schools because there are so many great options in each category! What's Next? You'll have to make a lot of other decisions in the college admissions process besides whether you want to go to a public or private school. Check out my articles about whether you should go to college close to home and whether you should go to a large or small college. If you think you might be interested in going to a small college, take a look at my list of the best small colleges in the US.If you're interested, you should also check out these articles on the biggest and smallest colleges in the country. For a complete overview of the college search process, read my comprehensive guide on how to choose a college. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, November 4, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 21
Business Ethics - Essay Example Therefore, the Civil False Claims Act of 1986 strengthened the government’s course of pursuing the legal claims against its fraudulent contractors. The study highlights a review of the act and the argumentative approach that would solve the litigants’ quest to drop the law’s stringent measures. The clauses of the Civil False Claims Act commonly called the Whistle-blowers act establishes that the federal government has the mandate to pursue a lawsuit against any of its contractors whenever there is a suspicious case concerning fraud. Secondly, the act’s clauses indicate that employees or any other interested parties have the legal mandate to implicate any fraudulent firm working for the government at an individual capacity. Since the government contracts different firms for the delivery of different products and services that eventually affect the majority population, it is apparent that the act is a controllable to curb any fraudulent acts from the contracted parties. According to research, the government has been involved in 20% of the lawsuits filed against its fraudulent contractors. It is known that 80% of the cases are pursued by the whistleblowers until the court’s final jurisdiction. It is critical for the government to understand that cases of fraud w ould not cease with the firms remaining contented of the lack of probability that the federal government would intervene and pursue any cases presented by a relator. The fact that the qui tam lawsuits are expensive to pursue as an individual, the government should change the act’s clauses and include a government unit that would act as a recipient to all whistleblowers with the aim of identifying the evidence of cases. Secondly, the changes should develop a fund for the individual whistle-blowers to use in their pursuit in the fraud cases holding to the knowledge that the intentions are meant to yield revenue after the recovery of the damages.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Managing Human Resources (Procedural Justice and Ethics in Employee Essay
Managing Human Resources (Procedural Justice and Ethics in Employee Relations,) - Essay Example Employers often claim they are protecting the business from â€Å"theft, loss of productivity, lawsuits, avoiding violence and terror attacks†(Lane, 2003 p. 12). However legitimate these reasons are, employees’ privacy also need to be respected. The law does not protect employees’ especially private sector employees from infringement of their privacy thus they depend on their good faith and procedural justice and ethics. The main purpose of this paper is to devise guidelines to follow in determining reasonable compromise between company’s need to run its business and employee rights to privacy. The paper will achieve this by first discussing the various ways businesses impinge on employee privacy. Secondly, the reasons behind employee surveillance will be discussed and the options employees have to protect their freedoms. Lastly, a set of guidelines will be drawn that can assist an organization fulfill its needs without necessarily undermining workersâ₠¬â„¢ feelings of dignity and worth. This is based on the belief that if workers are informed of what is going on they can easily adapt and accept a little infringement of privacy for the common good of all. Businesses especially with the advancement in technology have numerous ways of invading employees’ privacy. ... In one survey held in 1979, 75% of respondents believed in individual basic rights to privacy (Bies, 1993). Some ethical dilemmas on workplace privacy are specific to industries while others are common to all companies such as web surfing. Some of the methods used by employers that invade privacy include: computer-aided surveillance, drug and alcohol testing, AIDS testing, generic screening, health screening, background checks, credit reports, personality tests, use of video cameras, and Global Positioning System (GPS) (Brown, 1996 p. 1237). These generate private information about employees which employers can use for business purpose. Management is updated about employees’ activities every minute. Lanes (2003) argues that a certain amount of information and supervision is a necessary component of successful business. However, he also acknowledges that only relevant information should be sought and kept especially in an era when federal government has capability and will to u se that information for public policy purposes. Why do employers keep surveillance of employees? Some argue they are protecting the company from theft and sabotage. In this era of computer technology, employees have found ways of defrauding the company or divulging company secrets to outside world (Bies, 1993). As such, companies need to check what employees are surfing on the net, their emails, and what they do with company resources such as vehicles. Theft of intellectual property can e avoided by keeping close surveillance of employees use of personal computers. Another justification for surveillance is employee productivity. Many employees spend much of their time web surfing, talking on the phone, sending emails and playing
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