Friday, May 22, 2020
Women During The Civil War - 2024 Words
In the 1860’s, American society during the war was of two minds. To fully illustrate the discontent and anger felt for the war, analysis of the personal accounts of women during the Civil War will be introduced in this writing. The personal accounts include diary excerpts and letters, as well as an illustration produced at the time of the war. The wavering of unity on both the South and North due to the separation of family and the destruction of the United States and its individuals set the tone of what was deemed to be an insignificant war. The disengagement of the family unit and the destruction and hardships created due to the wartime circumstances led to discontent with the war, further leading it to be viewed in a negative light by†¦show more content†¦What began as a war to reunite the nation under one constitution and government, morphed into a fight for the abolishment of slavery. With the increased presence of pressure that came with the change in end goal o f the war, tensions rose and a nation that was already divided became more increasingly broken. After slightly over four years of fighting and tension, the Confederacy, under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee, surrendered to the Union, under the leadership of General Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia (Outline 8). Soon after the surrender of the Confederation, President Lincoln was assassinated and Vice President Andrew Johnson assumed position as the President of the United States (Outline 8). During the period of reconstruction following the end of the Civil War, the thirteenth amendment was ratified in 1865, abolishing the establishment of slavery in the United States (Outline 8). In the 1862 â€Å"Excerpt from Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston†, the Civil War is introduced as an unnecessary and unsupported war by many; more specifically, the women (Hollitz 312). The document was written by Margaret as a way of voicing her opinion of the war and the effects it has had on the South. Margaret is putting to words how she feels about her husband being absent from home, the likeliness that he will be absent for such a duration of time; til the war has ended, or the eternal absence as the
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Theory Of Evolution And The Origin Of Species
The Theory of Evolution: â€Å"Grievously Hypothetical†*Rough Draft* First Publicized in Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, The Theory of Evolution has been a widely excepted theory all around the world. According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 60% of all American adults believe in Darwinian evolution (Public s Views on Human Evolution). This is an absurdly large amount of the United States’ population given how remarkably flawed Darwin’s theory really is. As stated in On the Origin of Species, the Theory of Evolution claims that â€Å"†¦ new species in the course of time are formed through natural selection†(Darwin 86). The heart of this theory is descent with modification. This suggests that over countless generations, minute genetic variations have occurred due to mutations. These genetic variations have the ability to alter how a species interacts with its environment. If the genetic variation deems beneficial to the species’ likeliness to survive and reproduce, the mutation will be passed down to its offspring. Through many years of completely random mutations deeming to beneficial, large enough changes occur in a species for it to have evolved into a completely new species; this is where that phrase origin of species comes from in the title of Darwin’s publication. The Theory of Evolution also encompasses common descent, an idea claiming that: â€Å"†¦ all livingShow MoreRelatedContradiction Between the Theory of Evolution and the Bible947 Words  | 4 Pageswho founded the theory of evolution and changed the way we think about the natural world. Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 and lived during the Industrial Revolution. As a child, Darwin initially planned to become a doctor, but his plan terminated when he joined the five year expedition on the survey ship, the HMS Beagle, in 1831. In the expedition, Darwin developed a theory and published a book call The Origin of Species. This book was the beginning of what we know about evolution, and it was controversialRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin898 Words  | 4 Pagesfor his theory of evolution and in particular, natural selection. His most famous works, and one of his most controversial works as well, was his book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin wrote the Origin of Species after an almost five-year voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. While aboard the beagle, Darwin was presented with many facts that appeared to â€Å"shed some light on the origin of species†. DarwinRead MoreThe History of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution980 Words  | 4 Pages Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. (Dobzhanski, 1973) It was during his journey on board the Beagle that Darwin developed his theory of evolution. â€Å"On the Origin of Species†(Darwin, 1859) proposed two main principles: evolution really occurs and natural selection is its mechanism. This work published on 24th November 1859 traces a coherent portrait of life bringing together in an orderly manner an astonishing variety of apparently independent facts. It led biologistsRead MoreAnthropology and Its Branches1728 Words  | 7 Pagesphysical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present. Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses on human Evolution and variation, using methods of Physiology, Anthropometry, Genetics, and Ecology; and cultural anthropology , which includes Archaeology, Ethnology, Social Anthropology, and Linguistics. Anthropology is a holistic subject that covers all facetsRead MoreOn the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin1148 Words  | 5 PagesOn November 24th, 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin (renamed On the Origin of Species 13 years later) was published in London, England. In it, Charles Darwin specified his observations and gave his insight on what he thought caused evolution. He called it natural selection. Before this, nearly everyone believed that a single God created every living organism that none of them had changedRead MoreThe Evolution of Evolution1188 Words  | 5 Pagescreation of humanity have rapidly changed since the discovery of evolution. Nevertheless, there was a time before the world did not know the theory of evolution and the theories demonstrated by Sir Charles Darwin. Before the evolution, there were people who were subjected to religious ideologies of how mankind was created, they believed that the upper class was known to be â€Å"divine creatures†. However, the introduction of evolution leads the theory to be the base of biology and changes the minds of peopleRead MoreThe Theory Of Christianity And Christianity1321 Words  | 6 Pagesdawn of humanity were in a huge and confusing world, obviously trying to make sense of it all. This beginning of our intellectually adept species had no people before them to learn from, and formulated simple theories that could easily explain everything. The idea of a higher being, a deity, was an easy concept to grasp. Some of the very early creationist theories were centered on a polytheistic foundation. Polytheism was the cornerstone of many ancient civilizations including Egyptian, Greek, andRead MoreCreationism And Evolutionism - Explaining Life1344 Words  | 6 Pagesdiversity of species existing in the world makes everyone think about how all species appeared. So, some scholar s became interested to explain how the species originated, and then they began a diligent study around this topic. Consequently, some theories such as Creationism and Evolutionism have arisen and started a big debate to highlight their ideas. Each theory has its own beliefs, but separating them seems not to be the best way to get a full and coherent final explanation to how species were originatedRead More Nietsche and Evolution Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesNietsche and Evolution It is the image of the ungraspable phantom of life; and this is the key to it all. -Melville In 1859 Charles Darwin offered a theory that seemed to disprove the longstanding explanation of the Origin of existence. Darwins theory of evolution proposes a convincing argument that the universe was not created for a purpose, with intention, by a conscious God, but rather, was a phenomenon of random change. Fredrick Nietzsche articulated the gravity of the effect ofRead MoreDarwin s Theory Of Evolution1620 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst presented his theory of evolution by natural selection through his book called ‘On the Origin of Species’. The book was released in 1859 and it explained the process of how organisms changed over time through the result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits. These changes allow an organism to adapt to the environment that it inhabits so that the organism’s chances of survival improve and produce more offspring (Than, 2015). However, biological evolution does not simply mean
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports Free Essays
Why Children Should Play School or Organized Sport â€Å"Research has shown that participation in outside of school sports and or other organized sports is associated with lower dropout rates, reduced problem behaviors, and increased school performance. Children build interpersonal skills, positive assets needed to become active and productive young adults. Studies suggest that children who are involved with after school sports or organized sports have higher self esteem, lower depression rates and have better opportunities for optimal growth and development†. We will write a custom essay sample on Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports or any similar topic only for you Order Now Howie, 2009) Children should play school sports or organized sports, because sports improve children’s self esteem, sports teach children skills that they can use to become leaders, and sports give children the exercise they need to stay healthy. Although, school sports or organized sports help children with their self esteem, teach children to be team players and give children the exercise to stay healthy there are cons to playing sports. School sports or organized sports are commitments that a child needs to make. When there is a child that is going to play sports, the family also needs to be a part of the team as well. Playing sports is time consuming and takes a lot of time from be able to do other things outside of sports. It is important that the child and parents know the length of the season, the practice schedule and game schedule to make sure that there is time for family time too. It is also important that when a child has decided to play a sport that the entire family is willing to be a part of the team as well. School sports and or organized sports are wonderful to help increase self esteem in children. When children have a high level of self esteem they reduce the chances of depression and anxiety. Children that play school sports or organized sports have a high level of self esteem and do well in school; it helps children to become problem solvers and gives children encouragement to do well in school. It has been proven that children that participate in school sports or organized sports earn better grades, have better behaviors in and out of the classroom, and there is a lower rate of them dropping out of school. School sports or organized sports keep hildren going to school on a regular basis with fewer unexcused days missed, because they know that if they are not in school they are going to miss the opportunity to play with their team. â€Å"Furthermore, non participants of school sports or organized sports were more likely to drop of school; children were more likely to smoke cigarettes, more likely to become teen parents and more likely to be arrested than children who are sp ort participants†. (Donaldson, 2007) School sports or organized sports gives children skills to become team members and helps children to become leaders. Children that play school sports or organized sports learn skills that they can use their entire lives. â€Å"Developmental benefits include: developing individual and team goals, meeting deadlines, working as a team, learning to perform under pressure, dealing with adversity, handling success and failure, developing self confidence, developing decision making strategies, and learning communication skills†. (Zaichowsky, 2007) School sports or organized sports are a wonderful way to encourage children to learn skills to become leaders in today’s society. After children graduate from high school and continue on to college, they are going to be able to take the skills that they have learned with them to the â€Å"Real World†. When children play school sports or organized sports they know that they are part of a team and that their team needs them. They need to make sure that they go to practice, go to school and make sure that they get good grades so that they are eligible to play in their games. Sports give children the feeling of membership and know that they are needed to complete a task from start to finish. Playing sports starts a foundation for children to be leaders. As children grow older and are learning the skills to become better adults, it is important that they understand that the younger generations are going to look up to them for guidance. They need to take their skills that they have learned and teach it to the younger children that are looking up to them for guidance. They have been taught the skills to be good role models for the next generation. Although school sports or organized sports teaches children lessons in life to be successful human beings, the most important reason that children should play sports is to be healthy. When children are school sports or rganized sport teams, they are going to get the exercise that they need to get healthy and stay healthy. â€Å"An increase in physical activity has many health benefits: it lowers the risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis†. (Collard, 2008) Exercise teaches children to be physical fit, but also teaches children that nutr ition is also important. Child obesity is on the rise in the United States. In today’s society we lead very busy lives and it is convenient to stop at fast food restaurants between work, home and sporting events to pick up dinner. Also, there are a lot of entertaining shows on television that children are interested in watching. We can help our children become healthier by leading healthy lifestyles as a family. Exercising is important to keep children fit and healthy to prevent injuries. Injuries can happen to healthy children do, but the risk is higher for children that are not in physical shape. Everyone should have at least 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day, when children are playing school sports or organized sports they are exercising and having fun at the same time. Children should play school sports or organized sports to make sure that they get enough exercise. The word exercise to children sounds like work, however when they are playing sports they are exercising and getting into shape without knowing it. The importance of limiting television time and playing games on the computer or other gaming systems would be helpful to children too. When children are not playing school sports or organized sports, they should be encouraged to go for walk, go for a bike ride, take their dog for a walk or simply run up and down a set of stairs. By playing school sports or organized sports it is easier for children to get the exercise they need, but when they are not playing they also need to make sure they get the exercise they need to stay in shape. Physical Education classes in school help children, but there are schools in our country that are cutting PE classes from their budgets. School sports are great to get children exercising during the season but once the season ends it is just as important that they stay fit and healthy for the next season. There has been a drop in the number of students enrolled in daily physical education classes, so that one in four children do not attend any school physical education class. Seventy percent of children drop out of sports by the age of 13. Nearly half of young people ages 12 through 21, and more than one-third of high school students do not participate in any vigorous physical activity on a regular basis. Fewer than one out of four children get 20 minutes of vigorous daily activity. The percentage of overweight young Americans has more than doubled in the past 30 years†. Engle, 2010) Children that play school sports or organized sports have a better chance of getting the exercise that they need compared to students that do not play sports. For children that don’t play sports, it is important that they are encouraged to join some other activity that involved daily exercise to keep children fit and healthy. In conclusion school sports or organized sports is wonderful for children to learn tools that they are going to use through their childhood, but most importantly they are going to be able to take these tools and use them through the entire life. Sports participation is a major factor in the development of most American children. About 20 million American children ages 6 through 16 plays organized out of school sports, and about 25 million youth play competitive school sports. 30 to 45 million kids’ ages 6 through 18 participate in at least one school or community based athletic program†. (Engle, 2010) School sports or organized sports improve children’s self esteem levels, gives children the tools and lessons to become a leader and also allows children time to get the exercise that they need to get and stay healthy. When children have a high level of self esteem they do better in school and have more confidence. School sports or organized sports are a wonderful tool that is used to help children achieve their goals. How to cite Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports, Papers
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