Monday, August 24, 2020
study Essay Example
study Essay Estimating gracefully chain the executives rehearses Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, Alceu Gomes Alves Filho, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana and Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour is Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sao Paulo State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Alceu Gomes Alves Filho is Full Professor in Industrial Engineering in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana is Associate Professor in Business Administration and Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour is Assistant Teacher of Business Administration, both at The University of Sao Paulo Business School Ribeirao preto (FEA-RP/USP), Summary Purpose This paper expects to play out an experimental examination about the builds and pointers of the gracefully chain the board rehearses structure. overview that was completed on 107 Brazilian organizations. Measurable procedures were utilized to confirm, approve, and test the dependability of the builds and their pointers. To approve this system head segment examination and basic condition demonstrating strategies were utilized. Discoveries by and large, past investigations uggest six develops for estimating the gracefully chain the board rehearses system. In any case, in this investigation a system was accomplished with four builds of gracefully chain the board rehearses, in particular, flexibly chain (SC) reconciliation for creation arranging and control (PPC) support, data sharing about items and focusing on methodologies, vital relationship with client and provider, and bolster client request. This system has sufficient degrees of legitimacy and unwavering quality. We will compose a custom article test on concentrate explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on concentrate explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on concentrate explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Research restrictions/suggestions The fundamental constraint of this examination was that lone a little example of organizations in a solitary division and nation were reviewed, and herefore there should be further research thinking about the unique conditions in different nations. Innovation/esteem This examination explored measurably set markers to talk about the subject gracefully chain the executives rehearses. The system got has great nature of legitimacy and dependability pointers. Consequently, an elective structure has been added to gauge flexibly chain the board rehearses, which is right now a well known point in the gracefully chain standard writing. Both characterized builds and the approved markers can be utilized in different investigations on gracefully chain the board. Watchwords Supply chain the executives, Working practices, Performance estimation (quality), Brazil Paper type Research paper 1. Presentation Supply chain the board (SCM) is a coordinated methodology starting with arranging and control of materials, coordinations, administrations, and data stream from providers to producers or specialist co-ops to the end customer; it speaks to a most significant change in business the executives rehearses (Fantazy et al. 2010). SCM is one of the best ways for firms to improve their exhibition (Ou et al. , 2010). To deal with the flexibly chain activities for acknowledging improvement in nterprise execution, it is important to improve the arranging and the board of exercises, for example, materials arranging, stock administration, scope organization, and coordinations (Chandra and Kumar, 2000) with providers and customers. At present, the points that can be viewed as fundamental to inquire about recommendations in SCM include: gracefully chain coordination, conveyance and transport, stock, request the executives, arranging and improvement, flexibly chain joining, turn around coordinations, gracefully chain data, provider and merchant choice, and green SCM (Hu et al. , 2010). PAGE 18 MEASURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE VOL. 15 NO. 2 2011, pp. 8-31, Q Emerald Group distributing Limited, ISSN 1368-3047 While enthusiasm for SCM is expanding step by step, there is no accord about the theoretical and methodological research bases of SCM, producing holes in the cutting edge of this examination field (Burgess et al. , 2006). It is difficult to create sound SCM hypothesis without worthy systems and meanings of terms (Stock and Boyer, 2009). What's more, the absence of a far reaching perspective on SCM rehearses and the absence of a dependable proportion of the idea have compelled rules to the training f SCM and furth er research on the theme (Li et al. 2005). Hence, the approval of SCM rehearses issue has been drawing in the consideration of analysts. For instance, Li et al. (2005) conceptualize, create, and approve measurements of SCM rehearses builds. In any case, there are no unanimities in deciding the arrangement of pointers that can sufficiently address the theme Supply Chain Management Practices. Studies performed by Halley and Beaulieu (2010), Bayraktar et al. (2009), Hsu et al. (2009), Robb et al. (2008), Chow et al. (2008), Koh et al. (2007), Zhou and Benton (2007), wong et al. 005), - ran et al. (2002) and Tan (2002) called attention to various sorts of markers and builds utilized. In this manner, examining SCM practices can add to finding a superior comprehension about SCM. Consequently, this paper intends to do an experimental examination of the builds and pointers of the SCM rehearses structure. The accompanying areas incorporate a concise writing survey on SCM rehearses (segment 2 ), methodological systems (segment 3), examinations and conversations (segment 4), lastly, ends (segment 5). 2. Writing foundation A significant level of disarray has happened among gracefully chain researchers during the ast decades by the few SCM definitions that have been proposed in the writing (Stock and Boyer, 2009). Three key subjects rose up out of the different definitions: exercises, advantages, and constituents/segments. The principal subject of SCM definitions, exercises, contains the progression of materials and data, and systems of connections, concentrating on both (inside the association) and outer (outside the association). Second, the advantages coming about because of powerful usage of SCM systems are to include worth and increment consumer loyalty. Third, the segments or constituent pieces of SCM; what associations, unctions and procedures include the flexibly chain (Stock et al. , 2010). SCM rehearses are characterized as the arrangement of exercises embraced by an association to advance viable administration of its flexibly chain (Li et al. , 2005, 2006; Koh et al. , 2007); as the methodologies applied in incorporation, overseeing and coordination of gracefully, request and connections so as to fulfill customers in compelling manner (Wong et al. 2005); as substantial exercises/advancements that have a significant job in the coordinated effort of a central include providers in dynamic, empowering data, sharing and looking or better approaches to incorporate upstream exercises. As an outcome, it includes creating client contacts by client criticism to incorporate the downstream exercises and conveyin g orders straightforwardly to clients (Chow et al. , 2008). In this sense, considering SCM rehearses underpins the view hypothesis with respect to SCM. Significant activities to distinguish and approve SCM rehearses have been accounted for, however it is important that there is no example in characterizing and receiving pointers and builds for SCM rehearses. Tan et al. (2002) and Tan (2002) distinguished 24 SCM rehearses from past investigations and shaped six develops: . gracefully chain reconciliation; 2. data sharing; 3. flexibly chain attributes; VOL. 15 NO. 2 2011 MEASURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE PAGE 19 4. client care the board; 5. land closeness; and 6. JIT capacity. They utilized a five-point Likert scale to gauge the significance of these practices. Wong et al. (2005) proposed like markers of SCM rehearses in their investigation: B flexibly chain execution; item separation; lead time the board; delay and customization; stock and cost the executives; bullwhip impacts; data sharing and coordination; purchaser merchant relationship; etail procedure; and SCM activities. They utilized a contextual investigation and the practices dependent on the toy business. Six unmistakable builds of SCM rehearses developed, including key provider organization, client relationship, data sharing, data quality, inward lean practices and deferment. All the things were estimated on a five-point scale (Li et al. , 2005, 2006). Zhou and Benton (2007) consider three develops of flexibly chain rehearses (gracefully chain arranging, Just-in-time OIT) creation, and conveyance practice), since they have been demonstrated to be firmly identified with conveyance execution. Every announcement required reactions dependent on a seven-point Likert scale (1 h not actualized, 7 h widely executed). A rundown of SCM builds utilized in past writing in regards to the SCM rehearses is depending on the surviving writing. Koh et al. (2007) and Bayraktars et al. 2009) examines recognize a lot of 12 SCM rehearses: close association with providers, close organization with clients, Just in time flexibly, vital arranging, gracefully chain benchmarking, scarcely any providers, holding wellbeing stock, e-acquisition, redistributing, subcontracting, 3PL, numerous providers. Things were estimated on five-point scales anging from 1 (not in the slightest degree executed) to 5 (completely actualized). Koh et al. (2007) estimating two builds and Bayraktar et al. (2009) estimating three builds. A five-point stretch rating scale framework was utilized by Chow et al. 2008) with 5 approaching the most elevated degree or degree. The builds were: client and provider the executives; correspondence and speed; and data sharing. Robb et al. (2008) thought about four develops in their examination: 1 . client relat
Saturday, August 22, 2020
To Miss C.O. Y R.
To Miss C. O. y R. by Jose Rizal (A Translation from the Spanish by Nick Joaquin) Why request those unintellectual sections that once, crazy with misery, I sang dismayed? Or on the other hand would you say you are perhaps tossing in my face my rank thanklessness, my severe past? Why restore despondent recollections now when the heart anticipates from affection a sign, or call the night when day starts to grin, not knowing whether one more day will sparkle? You wish to get familiar with the reason for this sadness insanity of depression that anguish wove?You wish to know the wherefore of such distresses, and why, a youthful soul, I sing not of affection? Goodness, may no one can really tell why! For the explanation brings despairing however may set you chuckling. Down with my body into the grave will go another body that is covered in my stuffing! Something incomprehensible, desire, frenzy, longs for the spirit, an energy and its pains Oh, drink the nectar that life brings to the tabl e and let the severe leftovers in harmony rest! Again I feel the impervious shadows hrouding the spirit with the thick shroud of night: a negligible bud in particular, not an exquisite bloom, since it's down and out of air and light Behold them: my poor sections, my accursed brood and distress nursed every single rascal! Gracious, they know well to what they owe their being, and possibly they themselves will stop for a minute. Interpreted from the Spanish by Nick JoaquinSource http://joserizal. information/Writings/Poetry/verse. lwp. htm#To%20Josephina%20%28To%20Miss%20C. O. %20y%20R. %29
Friday, July 24, 2020
What Is Interference in Psychology
What Is Interference in Psychology Basics Print Types of Interference in Psychology By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 25, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 06, 2019 Radachynskyi/Getty Images More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming In This Article Table of Contents Expand Origins Proactive Interference Retroactive Interference Examples Research Applications View All Back To Top Interference is one theory to explain how and why forgetting occurs in long-term memory. Interference is a memory phenomenon in which some memories interfere with the retrieval of other memories. Essentially, interference occurs when some information makes it difficult to recall similar material. Similar memories compete, causing some to be more difficult to remember or even forgotten entirely. Because of this, some long-term memories cannot be retrieved into short-term memory. Have you ever found yourself confusing the memory of one event with another? Such occurrences can be surprisingly common, especially if you are faced with a number of very similar memories. If someone asked you to recall what you had for breakfast last Monday, for example, you might struggle to remember because you have so many similar memories of other meals. There are many different but similar memories encoded in long-term memory, which can make it challenging to recall a specific event and bring it into short-term memory. Origins What causes forgetting? Researchers have long been interested in understanding not only how memory works but why people sometimes forget. Interference theory is just one of several proposed explanations for forgetting. Some important studies have contributed to the development of interference theory. In one of the first studies on the phenomenon of interference, researcher John A. Bergstrom had participants sort cards into two different piles. He found that changing the location of the second pile resulted in slower performance, suggesting that learning the rules for the first task interfered with the memory of rules for the second task. In 1900, researchers Muller and Pilzecker conducted influential studies on retroactive interference. They found that people were less likely to recall nonsense syllables if intervening material was presented 10 minutes or sooner following the original learning task. They suggested that this indicated that new memories require a period of time to become stabilized in memory, a process they dubbed consolidation. During the late 1950s, psychologist Benton J. Underwood looked at Ebbinghauss famous forgetting curve and concluded that forgetting was influenced not only by time but also by previously learned information. Something called decay theory, for example, elaborates upon Ebbinghaus’s research and suggests that memories decay over time, leading to forgetting. However, a memory may also be susceptible to a number of other influences that affect how well things are recalled and why they are sometimes forgotten. While researchers can control for other factors in a lab setting, the real-world is filled with a variety of events that may also have an impact memory. Many events can take place between the time a memory is encoded and when it is recalled. How rarely (if ever) do you form a memory and then learn nothing new between the formation of that memory and the need to recall that information? Such conditions usually only take place artificially in experimental labs. Any number of these events and memories formed might play a role in interfering with the retrieval of a memory. In your day-to-day life, any number of events, experiences, and new learning can occur between the actual formation of one memory and the need to recall that memory. Researchers have found that when intervening gaps between encoding and recall are filled with other information, then there is a corresponding negative impact on memory. Due to this, it can be challenging to determine if forgetting is because of the passing of time or if it is a consequence of one of these intervening factors. Research suggests, for example, that interfering memories are one factor that can also contribute to forgetting. There are two different types of interference: proactive interference and retroactive interference. Proactive Interference Proactive interference is when older memories interfere with the retrieval of newer memories. Because older memories are often better rehearsed and more strongly cemented in long-term memory, it is often easier to recall previously learned information rather than more recent learning. Proactive interference can sometimes make it more difficult to learn new things. For example, if you move into a new house, you might find yourself accidentally writing your old address down when filling out forms. The older memory of your previous address makes it more difficult to recall your new address. Retroactive Interference Retroactive interference is when newer memories interfere with the retrieval of older memories. Essentially, this type of interference creates a backward effect, making it more difficult to recall things that have been previously learned. In the case of retroactive interference, learning new things can make it more difficult to recall things that we already know. For example, a musician might learn a new piece, only to find that the new song makes it more difficult to recall an older, previously learned piece. Research has found that around 70 percent of information is forgotten with 24 hours of initial learning. While retroactive interference can have a dramatic impact on the retention of new knowledge, there are some effective strategies that can be implemented to minimize these effects. Overlearning is one effective approach that can be used to reduce retroactive interference. Overlearning involves rehearsing new material past the point of acquisition. It means studying and practicing what you have learned over and over, even after you have achieved sufficient mastery of the subject or skill. Doing this helps to ensure that the information will be more stable in long-term memory and improve recollection and performance. Examples of Interference There are many different examples of how interference can influence everyday life. Consider what happens when you learn how to do something new. If you get into the habit of doing something incorrectly, you will probably find it much more difficult to correct the behavior and perform the actions correctly in the future. This is because your previous learning interferes with your ability to remember more recent material, an example of proactive interference. Imagine a student preparing for a history exam. Between learning the information and taking the actual test, many things can take place. A student may take other classes, work, watch television, read books, engage in conversations, and perform many other activities during this intervening period. In addition to general decay caused by the time elapsed, other memories might form that could potentially compete with the material the student learned for his exam. If this student happened to be a history major, he might have even learned and studied material on similar subjects that might pose even greater interference. So when the student goes to take his exam, he may find recalling some information quite difficult. If he has learned subsequent material that is very similar to the original information, recalling facts and details for the exam might be quite difficult. He might find himself mixing updates of historical battles, or even struggle to remember essential details about how and why certain events took place. The memories formed during the interval between the learning and the test interfere with the older memories, making recall much more difficult. There are many other examples of interference and its effect on our memories. After changing your mobile phone number, you have a difficult time remembering the new number, so you keep accidentally giving people your old number. The memory of your old number interferes with your ability to recall your new number.You are trying to memorize a list of items you need to pick up at the grocery store. During the intervening time, you also happen to read a new recipe on your favorite cooking website. Later at the grocery store, you find yourself struggling to remember the items from your shopping list. The competing memory of the recipe’s ingredients interferes with your memory of what you need at the store.Students are often more likely to recall information that they learn shortly before an exam than the material they learned earlier in the term. In this case, newer information competes with the older learning.A native English speaker who is trying to learn French might find that they keep trying to apply the rules of their native language to the new language the y are trying to learn. Older memories interfere with memories of the new information, making it harder to remember the grammar rules for the new language.A teacher may struggle to learn the names of her new students each year because she keeps confusing them with the names of her students from previous years. Research Researchers have been able to demonstrate the effects of interference in numerous studies. They often do this by increasing the similarity of the information presented. For example, participants may be presented with the original information and then after a period of time, presented with more information. When tested on what they recall, interference is observed more frequently when the secondary information contains more similarities to the original material. The more similar two memories are, the more likely it is that interference will occur. In one of the earliest studies on the interference theory of forgetting, researchers had subjects memorize a list of two-syllable adjectives. Later, subjects were asked to memorize one of five different lists. Some of these lists were very similar to the original test material, while others were very different. For example, some lists contained synonyms of the original words, some antonyms, and some were simply nonsense syllables. Later testing showed that recall improved as the differences between the two lists increased. The more similar the lists were, the more interference there was, leading to more difficulty with recall. In one 2018 study, researchers found that retroactive interference had a negative impact on learning and memory consolidation. After a learning task, some participants were presented with a subsequent interference task at various time points. Some had the second learning task three minutes after learning the first information, while others had it nine minutes after. What the researchers discovered was that the interference task decreased memory performance by as much as 20 percent. Interestingly, interference tended to have a greater negative impact on those identified as fast learners than it did on those identified as slow learners. Interference can play a prominent role in the learning process. Research suggests that previously learning material can have an impact on future learning and, conversely, newly learning information can affect past learning. One study found that retroactive interference effects were more profound in younger children, but that these effects may diminish as people age. Applications Interference theory can have a number of real-world applications. From a practical, everyday standpoint, one of the best ways to improve your memory for something is to make it stand out. If you are trying to remember something and want to avoid the effects of interference, look for a way to add novelty. Making up a song, rhyme, or mnemonic is one way to help make what you are studying stand out in your memory. By making it memorable and less similar to other memories, it may become easier to recall. Regular practice sessions can also be useful for promoting overlearning and reducing the probability that new memories will interfere with what you are learning now. A Word From Verywell While interference is just one explanation for why we forget, it is an important one. The competition between similar memories might make it much more difficult to recall things you have learned in the past. This interference can also make it much more difficult to recall more recent memories, which can make learning difficult. Studies in lab settings support the existence and impact of interference, but in real-world settings, it is much more difficult to ascertain just how much of forgetting can be linked to the effects of interference. How Human Memory Works
Friday, May 22, 2020
Women During The Civil War - 2024 Words
In the 1860’s, American society during the war was of two minds. To fully illustrate the discontent and anger felt for the war, analysis of the personal accounts of women during the Civil War will be introduced in this writing. The personal accounts include diary excerpts and letters, as well as an illustration produced at the time of the war. The wavering of unity on both the South and North due to the separation of family and the destruction of the United States and its individuals set the tone of what was deemed to be an insignificant war. The disengagement of the family unit and the destruction and hardships created due to the wartime circumstances led to discontent with the war, further leading it to be viewed in a negative light by†¦show more content†¦What began as a war to reunite the nation under one constitution and government, morphed into a fight for the abolishment of slavery. With the increased presence of pressure that came with the change in end goal o f the war, tensions rose and a nation that was already divided became more increasingly broken. After slightly over four years of fighting and tension, the Confederacy, under the leadership of General Robert E. Lee, surrendered to the Union, under the leadership of General Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia (Outline 8). Soon after the surrender of the Confederation, President Lincoln was assassinated and Vice President Andrew Johnson assumed position as the President of the United States (Outline 8). During the period of reconstruction following the end of the Civil War, the thirteenth amendment was ratified in 1865, abolishing the establishment of slavery in the United States (Outline 8). In the 1862 â€Å"Excerpt from Diary of Margaret Junkin Preston†, the Civil War is introduced as an unnecessary and unsupported war by many; more specifically, the women (Hollitz 312). The document was written by Margaret as a way of voicing her opinion of the war and the effects it has had on the South. Margaret is putting to words how she feels about her husband being absent from home, the likeliness that he will be absent for such a duration of time; til the war has ended, or the eternal absence as the
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Theory Of Evolution And The Origin Of Species
The Theory of Evolution: â€Å"Grievously Hypothetical†*Rough Draft* First Publicized in Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, The Theory of Evolution has been a widely excepted theory all around the world. According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 60% of all American adults believe in Darwinian evolution (Public s Views on Human Evolution). This is an absurdly large amount of the United States’ population given how remarkably flawed Darwin’s theory really is. As stated in On the Origin of Species, the Theory of Evolution claims that â€Å"†¦ new species in the course of time are formed through natural selection†(Darwin 86). The heart of this theory is descent with modification. This suggests that over countless generations, minute genetic variations have occurred due to mutations. These genetic variations have the ability to alter how a species interacts with its environment. If the genetic variation deems beneficial to the species’ likeliness to survive and reproduce, the mutation will be passed down to its offspring. Through many years of completely random mutations deeming to beneficial, large enough changes occur in a species for it to have evolved into a completely new species; this is where that phrase origin of species comes from in the title of Darwin’s publication. The Theory of Evolution also encompasses common descent, an idea claiming that: â€Å"†¦ all livingShow MoreRelatedContradiction Between the Theory of Evolution and the Bible947 Words  | 4 Pageswho founded the theory of evolution and changed the way we think about the natural world. Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 and lived during the Industrial Revolution. As a child, Darwin initially planned to become a doctor, but his plan terminated when he joined the five year expedition on the survey ship, the HMS Beagle, in 1831. In the expedition, Darwin developed a theory and published a book call The Origin of Species. This book was the beginning of what we know about evolution, and it was controversialRead MoreThe Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin898 Words  | 4 Pagesfor his theory of evolution and in particular, natural selection. His most famous works, and one of his most controversial works as well, was his book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin wrote the Origin of Species after an almost five-year voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. While aboard the beagle, Darwin was presented with many facts that appeared to â€Å"shed some light on the origin of species†. DarwinRead MoreThe History of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution980 Words  | 4 Pages Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. (Dobzhanski, 1973) It was during his journey on board the Beagle that Darwin developed his theory of evolution. â€Å"On the Origin of Species†(Darwin, 1859) proposed two main principles: evolution really occurs and natural selection is its mechanism. This work published on 24th November 1859 traces a coherent portrait of life bringing together in an orderly manner an astonishing variety of apparently independent facts. It led biologistsRead MoreAnthropology and Its Branches1728 Words  | 7 Pagesphysical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present. Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses on human Evolution and variation, using methods of Physiology, Anthropometry, Genetics, and Ecology; and cultural anthropology , which includes Archaeology, Ethnology, Social Anthropology, and Linguistics. Anthropology is a holistic subject that covers all facetsRead MoreOn the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin1148 Words  | 5 PagesOn November 24th, 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin (renamed On the Origin of Species 13 years later) was published in London, England. In it, Charles Darwin specified his observations and gave his insight on what he thought caused evolution. He called it natural selection. Before this, nearly everyone believed that a single God created every living organism that none of them had changedRead MoreThe Evolution of Evolution1188 Words  | 5 Pagescreation of humanity have rapidly changed since the discovery of evolution. Nevertheless, there was a time before the world did not know the theory of evolution and the theories demonstrated by Sir Charles Darwin. Before the evolution, there were people who were subjected to religious ideologies of how mankind was created, they believed that the upper class was known to be â€Å"divine creatures†. However, the introduction of evolution leads the theory to be the base of biology and changes the minds of peopleRead MoreThe Theory Of Christianity And Christianity1321 Words  | 6 Pagesdawn of humanity were in a huge and confusing world, obviously trying to make sense of it all. This beginning of our intellectually adept species had no people before them to learn from, and formulated simple theories that could easily explain everything. The idea of a higher being, a deity, was an easy concept to grasp. Some of the very early creationist theories were centered on a polytheistic foundation. Polytheism was the cornerstone of many ancient civilizations including Egyptian, Greek, andRead MoreCreationism And Evolutionism - Explaining Life1344 Words  | 6 Pagesdiversity of species existing in the world makes everyone think about how all species appeared. So, some scholar s became interested to explain how the species originated, and then they began a diligent study around this topic. Consequently, some theories such as Creationism and Evolutionism have arisen and started a big debate to highlight their ideas. Each theory has its own beliefs, but separating them seems not to be the best way to get a full and coherent final explanation to how species were originatedRead More Nietsche and Evolution Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesNietsche and Evolution It is the image of the ungraspable phantom of life; and this is the key to it all. -Melville In 1859 Charles Darwin offered a theory that seemed to disprove the longstanding explanation of the Origin of existence. Darwins theory of evolution proposes a convincing argument that the universe was not created for a purpose, with intention, by a conscious God, but rather, was a phenomenon of random change. Fredrick Nietzsche articulated the gravity of the effect ofRead MoreDarwin s Theory Of Evolution1620 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst presented his theory of evolution by natural selection through his book called ‘On the Origin of Species’. The book was released in 1859 and it explained the process of how organisms changed over time through the result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits. These changes allow an organism to adapt to the environment that it inhabits so that the organism’s chances of survival improve and produce more offspring (Than, 2015). However, biological evolution does not simply mean
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports Free Essays
Why Children Should Play School or Organized Sport â€Å"Research has shown that participation in outside of school sports and or other organized sports is associated with lower dropout rates, reduced problem behaviors, and increased school performance. Children build interpersonal skills, positive assets needed to become active and productive young adults. Studies suggest that children who are involved with after school sports or organized sports have higher self esteem, lower depression rates and have better opportunities for optimal growth and development†. We will write a custom essay sample on Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports or any similar topic only for you Order Now Howie, 2009) Children should play school sports or organized sports, because sports improve children’s self esteem, sports teach children skills that they can use to become leaders, and sports give children the exercise they need to stay healthy. Although, school sports or organized sports help children with their self esteem, teach children to be team players and give children the exercise to stay healthy there are cons to playing sports. School sports or organized sports are commitments that a child needs to make. When there is a child that is going to play sports, the family also needs to be a part of the team as well. Playing sports is time consuming and takes a lot of time from be able to do other things outside of sports. It is important that the child and parents know the length of the season, the practice schedule and game schedule to make sure that there is time for family time too. It is also important that when a child has decided to play a sport that the entire family is willing to be a part of the team as well. School sports and or organized sports are wonderful to help increase self esteem in children. When children have a high level of self esteem they reduce the chances of depression and anxiety. Children that play school sports or organized sports have a high level of self esteem and do well in school; it helps children to become problem solvers and gives children encouragement to do well in school. It has been proven that children that participate in school sports or organized sports earn better grades, have better behaviors in and out of the classroom, and there is a lower rate of them dropping out of school. School sports or organized sports keep hildren going to school on a regular basis with fewer unexcused days missed, because they know that if they are not in school they are going to miss the opportunity to play with their team. â€Å"Furthermore, non participants of school sports or organized sports were more likely to drop of school; children were more likely to smoke cigarettes, more likely to become teen parents and more likely to be arrested than children who are sp ort participants†. (Donaldson, 2007) School sports or organized sports gives children skills to become team members and helps children to become leaders. Children that play school sports or organized sports learn skills that they can use their entire lives. â€Å"Developmental benefits include: developing individual and team goals, meeting deadlines, working as a team, learning to perform under pressure, dealing with adversity, handling success and failure, developing self confidence, developing decision making strategies, and learning communication skills†. (Zaichowsky, 2007) School sports or organized sports are a wonderful way to encourage children to learn skills to become leaders in today’s society. After children graduate from high school and continue on to college, they are going to be able to take the skills that they have learned with them to the â€Å"Real World†. When children play school sports or organized sports they know that they are part of a team and that their team needs them. They need to make sure that they go to practice, go to school and make sure that they get good grades so that they are eligible to play in their games. Sports give children the feeling of membership and know that they are needed to complete a task from start to finish. Playing sports starts a foundation for children to be leaders. As children grow older and are learning the skills to become better adults, it is important that they understand that the younger generations are going to look up to them for guidance. They need to take their skills that they have learned and teach it to the younger children that are looking up to them for guidance. They have been taught the skills to be good role models for the next generation. Although school sports or organized sports teaches children lessons in life to be successful human beings, the most important reason that children should play sports is to be healthy. When children are school sports or rganized sport teams, they are going to get the exercise that they need to get healthy and stay healthy. â€Å"An increase in physical activity has many health benefits: it lowers the risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis†. (Collard, 2008) Exercise teaches children to be physical fit, but also teaches children that nutr ition is also important. Child obesity is on the rise in the United States. In today’s society we lead very busy lives and it is convenient to stop at fast food restaurants between work, home and sporting events to pick up dinner. Also, there are a lot of entertaining shows on television that children are interested in watching. We can help our children become healthier by leading healthy lifestyles as a family. Exercising is important to keep children fit and healthy to prevent injuries. Injuries can happen to healthy children do, but the risk is higher for children that are not in physical shape. Everyone should have at least 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day, when children are playing school sports or organized sports they are exercising and having fun at the same time. Children should play school sports or organized sports to make sure that they get enough exercise. The word exercise to children sounds like work, however when they are playing sports they are exercising and getting into shape without knowing it. The importance of limiting television time and playing games on the computer or other gaming systems would be helpful to children too. When children are not playing school sports or organized sports, they should be encouraged to go for walk, go for a bike ride, take their dog for a walk or simply run up and down a set of stairs. By playing school sports or organized sports it is easier for children to get the exercise they need, but when they are not playing they also need to make sure they get the exercise they need to stay in shape. Physical Education classes in school help children, but there are schools in our country that are cutting PE classes from their budgets. School sports are great to get children exercising during the season but once the season ends it is just as important that they stay fit and healthy for the next season. There has been a drop in the number of students enrolled in daily physical education classes, so that one in four children do not attend any school physical education class. Seventy percent of children drop out of sports by the age of 13. Nearly half of young people ages 12 through 21, and more than one-third of high school students do not participate in any vigorous physical activity on a regular basis. Fewer than one out of four children get 20 minutes of vigorous daily activity. The percentage of overweight young Americans has more than doubled in the past 30 years†. Engle, 2010) Children that play school sports or organized sports have a better chance of getting the exercise that they need compared to students that do not play sports. For children that don’t play sports, it is important that they are encouraged to join some other activity that involved daily exercise to keep children fit and healthy. In conclusion school sports or organized sports is wonderful for children to learn tools that they are going to use through their childhood, but most importantly they are going to be able to take these tools and use them through the entire life. Sports participation is a major factor in the development of most American children. About 20 million American children ages 6 through 16 plays organized out of school sports, and about 25 million youth play competitive school sports. 30 to 45 million kids’ ages 6 through 18 participate in at least one school or community based athletic program†. (Engle, 2010) School sports or organized sports improve children’s self esteem levels, gives children the tools and lessons to become a leader and also allows children time to get the exercise that they need to get and stay healthy. When children have a high level of self esteem they do better in school and have more confidence. School sports or organized sports are a wonderful tool that is used to help children achieve their goals. How to cite Whywhy Children Should Play or Organized Sports, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Passive Killer Essay Example
The Passive Killer Essay This newspaper article is aimed at everybody. The headlines are large, emboldened and eye-catching. The language is statistical and emotive. It is written in pyramid writing and there is a picture of a woman, whose age is vague, smoking a cigarette with fumes surrounding her. The paragraphs are short, simple and easily digestible. The headline is very dramatic because passive can usually mean that it is not harmful but the very next word is killer. It is a paradox. This immediately peaks our interest. Just below the headline there is a short but bold and underlined sentence, which is emphatic because the word order has changed. The last word is confirm which means that the sentence is a solid, concrete fact. There are a lot of references to expert opinions. In the second paragraph, it says that the report is from the Government-backed Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health, and later on, a professor is quoted. Throughout the article every single disease related to smoking is mentioned and some repeated such as lung, mouth and throat cancer. We learn how many people die from smoke, how terrible it is and that there is a National No Smoking Day, but there is a little glimmer of hope when it says that half of the smokers are killed unless they quit. Initially, it appears that babies are most at risk, which is only a small percent of the population, and then we find out that anyone who is or is living with a smoker is also at a high risk. As the few that these apply to begin to relax, we are informed that smoking should be banned in public places because it is so dangerous. So by this point everyone is said to be affected and no one can relax. We will write a custom essay sample on The Passive Killer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Passive Killer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Passive Killer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The word victims is used to describe babies and this not only emphasizes the need to protect a child but also makes the smoker feel guilty at the same time. At the foot of the page there are two boxed texts with their own headlines that stand out. The title, the price they pay is capitalised and very snappy. It is an expression commonly used to describe criminals. There is also alliteration for effect. There is also that picture which is black-out-of-white. In the box are two separate columns one for the passive smoker and one for the smoker himself. There are at least six bullet points following with straight facts. Each sentence begins with raises, doubles or causes which sounds scary. Technical and medical terminology is used especially when listing diseases. On the page opposite, there is another box with its own heading which stands out because it is black-out-of-white. The dramatic verb cut off is used and is journalese. There is a short story about a normal family whose life has been turned upside-down due to their two sons having asthma. The report suggests that the unfortunate family cannot go to many public places due to their sons breathing problems caused by smoke. It is an exaggeration but the point is that it can happen to anyone. There is a large emboldened quotation Public have to be protected and this is very effective because it is a feature of a tabloid. Since this was in the Daily Mail, it is unusual. What follows are four paragraphs informing us how terrible smoking in public places is and makes it sound somewhat like a crime. The reporter says that smoking should not be allowed in public service buildings and on public transport but as this comment reported it is a bit biased. In the penultimate paragraph, it says that the tobacco industry should hang its corporate head in shame. The word corporate suggests that they only care about making money instead of saving peoples lives. And at the very end, the word but is used to tell how someone professional did not agree because he argued that the report was weak and inconclusive. Even though this is a very important piece of information, it is only included in the report as a little but. In conclusion, I think that this report would scare a lot of people because of the statistical language even though it is a bit exaggerated.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Liver is the largest gland Essays
Liver is the largest gland Essays Liver is the largest gland Essay Liver is the largest gland Essay Liver Liver is merely non like any other organ, which can be compensated by other variety meats or human machines. It is one of the of import parts of organic structure which performs many critical maps. Physically it is positioned in the upper portion of the venters exactly on the right side, merely beneath the stop. Its physical expressions are ruddy brown with four lobes pouching out. Basically liver s chief function is to hive away and filtrate blood. Without liver all the sugar consumption by human organic structure would neer be passed out until it converts sugar to glycogen which dissolves in blood and excretes the waste. It besides produces biochemical such as gall which helps in digesting nutrient. Liver is the largest secretory organ in the human organic structure. It is besides a complex structured secretory organ. This organ at any minute shops around 1 pint of blood, which Is tantamount to 13 per centum of human blood. The liver fundamentally has 4 subdivisions, which is besides known in medical nomenclature as lobes. These lobes are divided every bit on either side of the liver. The lobes are structured in multisided units which we call the lobules. Amazingly a liver has about fifty to hundred lobules. Within the lobules are centrifuges called pits, which makes the liver spongy in order to keep blood. Furthermore these lobules have a gall capillary, which transfers the gall off from liver. Equally shortly as the gall is excreted out of the liver it forms a hepatic canal. A liver produces bile even when there is no nutrient to procedure. In this state of affairs the extra gall has to be excreted through the saddle sore vesica. Amazingly scientific research workers have found more than 500 maps of liver. As mentioned above some maps would be to bring forth gall by hepatic cells, secrete glucose, create vitamins, and to change over ammonium hydroxide to urea and other metabolic activities. Other than this the liver chief map is to digest nutrient. This is done by the gall produced by liver which flows through the little bowel and dissolves the nutrient we eat. Historically liver in Greek was named as hepatic, therefore today all the medical term related to liver starts with hepato. Let us now look at the cardinal characteristic of liver, which is the blood flow. The liver is besides called the double blood supply because it transfers 75 per centum of blood supply around the organic structure. Along with blood it contains oxygen supply which is required to make in all parts of the organic structure. Its cardinal characteristic of extinguishing waste and observant minerals and foods make it critical for endurance. Therefore without the liver a individual would free energy and its blood would non be able to coagulate usually. Apart from blood supply it besides acts a reservoir for the human organic structure indispensable vitamins. It shops gloucose, vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, Iron and Cu. After hive awaying these it besides excretes albumens, which is an of import ingredient for blood serum. It besides synthesizes angiotensinogen, which is indispensable for the kidney to raise blood force per unit area when needed. Not merely this, liver besides shops nutrient in itself. This nutrient is released when the organic structure requires the minerals and foods it needs in the blood. Every organ of a human organic structure is prone to diseases. Due to the fact it is a critical organ needed to work other variety meats, its deficiency of working would harm the whole organic structure and endurance will go critical. Normally hepatitis A, B, C, E is associated with liver disease. But there are many more such as intoxicant harm, malignant neoplastic disease, fatty liver and drug amendss, which affects the liver. When a individual is affected with one of the diseases mentioned above so the hazard of acquiring icterus additions. Basically the ground behind this is the increased degree of hematoidin produced by deformation of ruddy blood cell. Bilirubin is a xanthous fluid produced in the liver when worn-out ruddy blood cells are broken down. The liver is a strong secretory organ and holds a great power to renew and go stable once more. But if the harm is high so symptoms could take to a black result. In order to forestall this, a liver map trial is performed. A liver map trial is clinical research lab trial, whereby blood checks are designed to demo the patients liver province. Basically liver diseases are difficult to observe at start, this is because the marks of diseases are low and undetectable at early phase to the patient. Some of the marks are pale stools, dark piss, swelling and contusing. These symptoms may be caused by other conditions besides, therefore it is hard to place the exist ent beginning. One of the major diseases called diabetes is sometimes led by fatty liver, normally happening in corpulent individual. Some people may besides see autoimmune hepatitis. This status has to make with the organic structure bring forthing antibodies that really attack liver cells. Normally Young to middle elderly adult females are frequently diagnosed with this status but it is going more common among aged people. Some of the symptoms may include utmost weariness, icterus and even blood trials that show there is liver harm ( liver tissue, 2010 ) . High intoxicant ingestion is one of the most common causes of liver disease. However, high intoxicant ingestion as a cause for unnatural liver trial consequences is frequently non apparent and may even be denied. A readily gettable blood trial to uncover whether intoxicant is the likely cause would be valuable. However, many patients who doubtless consume high sums of intoxicant and so are alcoholic and show elevated serum transaminase degrees do non demo a high AST/ALT ratio ( Nyblom, 2004 ) . Alcohol ingestion leads to malignant neoplastic disease of liver, pancreas, oral cavity, and pharynx. The earnestness of liver disease can be seen by United States statistic of 43967 people decease due to liver malignant neoplastic disease itself. Liver malignant neoplastic disease is regarded as the 7th biggest cause of decease in United States ( Hilal, Ali A. , and John D.S. Gaylor, 2006 ) . In order to forestall these diseases, an person should keep good hygiene. As mentioned above he/she should keep from imbibing intoxicant as it could take to cirrhosis of the liver. He/she should besides forbear from traveling in a chemical or biohazard mill, whereby the pollutants may come in the lung and damage the liver. If the individual s diagnostic trial consequences in a disease, the individual would necessitate remaining in bed, have tonss of H2O and eat good. As liver is a combination of sensitive tissues good attention is critical. The dramatic characteristic of liver is that it is the lone secretory organ able to renew its lost tissues. If the liver is cut 75 % , the staying 25 % has the ability to renew into a whole liver. This procedure takes merely a hebdomad or maximal few hebdomads. This capableness of liver has been acknowledged since the antediluvian Greek times. In fact there is a narrative about Prometheus being chained to a stone in the Caucasus mountain and his liver being partly eaten during the twenty-four hours by an bird of Jove merely to regenerate in the dark. This scenario really symbolizes how a liver half eaten could go full ( Michalopoulos, George, 1997 ) . For illustration, sawboness can take a subdivision of a healthy liver from an grownup and transfer it into a kid who has a diseased liver. The grownup s liver will quickly renew and be restored to full size. The kid s new liver will turn as the kid grows ( thinkquest, 2010 ) . Work citation Hilal, Ali A. , and John D.S. Gaylor. Bioartificial liver: reappraisal of scientific discipline demands and technology. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 3.1 ( 2006 ) : 80-97. inderscience. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // contribution.asp? referrer=parent A ; backto=searcharticlesresults,1,25 ; gt ; . Liver tissue. livertissue. N.p. , n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Michalopoulos, George K. , and DeFrances, Marie C. , Liver regeneration: , Science, 4 April 1997: Vol. 276. no. 5309, pp. 60 66: Nyblom H, Berggren U, Balldin J, Olsson R ( 2004 ) . High AST/ALT ratio may bespeak advanced alcoholic liver disease instead than heavy drinking . Alcohol Alcohol. 39 ( 4 ) : 336-9. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agh074. PMID15208167. hypertext transfer protocol: // view=long A ; pmid=15208167. Thinkquest. N.p. , n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2010. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // 28807/data/excr2.htm gt ; .
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Fun Holiday Science Projects
Fun Holiday Science Projects Are you looking for another source of fun for the winter holidays? Why not add some educational science projects with a winter holiday theme? These seasonal activities and experiments will entertain you, plus you may learn something too. Christmas Tree Preservative - You can use a little chemical know-how to keep your holiday tree fresh and beautiful. All you need are some common household ingredients. Marbled Scented Gift Wrap - Use a surfactant to marble paper to make your own gift wrap. You can embed a fragrance in the paper, too, so that it can smell like candy canes or Christmas trees. Make Your Own Snow - If the temperature where you live dips below freezing, then dont settle for polymer snow. Make your own water snow! Magic Crystal Christmas Tree - Grow crystals on a paper or sponge Christmas tree with this fun and easy project. Poinsettia pH Paper - The colorful bracts of this traditional holiday decoration contain a pigment that you can harvest for use as a pH indicator. Kid-Friendly Snow Globe - This is an arts-and-crafts type of project that shows even very young kids how to make their own snow globe or water globe. Crystal Snow Globe - On the other hand, if you are more proficient with chemistry, try using benzoic acid in your snow globe. The benzoic acid precipitates into crystals that look very much like real snow. Make Colored Flame Pinecones - Toss one or more of these pinecones onto a holiday fire to produce colored flames. Make Fake Snow - Do you want a white Christmas, but know it wont snow? Make artificial snow! Make Peppermint Cream Wafers - This is a cooking recipe that is written more like a chemistry project procedure. You can eat the candy that you make. Copper Plate a Christmas Ornament - This is an electrochemistry project in which you plate a bright copper coating onto a holiday ornament. Its educational and produces a pretty decoration. Make Snow Ice Cream - You can learn about freezing point depression or just make a tasty treat. If you dont have snow, substitute shaved ice in these recipes. Grow a Crystal Snowflake - Crystal snowflakes make beautiful sparkly holiday ornaments. They grow overnight, so they dont take much time to make. Cheery Colored Fire - A holiday fire is always nice, but its even more festive if you add some color. These chemicals are readily available and safe enough for use in your home. Re-Use the Turkey Thermometer - You dont have to throw away the pop-up thermometer that comes with a holiday turkey. You can reset the thermometer to use for other turkeys or poultry. Glow in the Dark Crystal Snowflake - These snowflakes are cool because after you turn out the lights they continue to glow for a while. Baking Powder vs Baking Soda - If you run out of one or the other during your holiday baking, you can substitute the ingredients. You just need to understand the chemistry of baking powder and baking soda. Silver Crystal Christmas Tree - Grow pure silver crystals on a tree form to make a glittering silver Christmas tree. This is an easy chemistry project that makes a spectacular decoration. Holiday Gifts You Can Make Top Gifts Science Geeks Can Make - This is a collection of quick and easy gifts you can make using your chemistry know-how. Signature Scent Perfume - Crafting a signature scent is a classic chemistry project. Solid Perfume - You can also make a solid perfume, which is a convenient alternative to liquid perfume. Fizzy Bath Balls - Fizzy bath balls use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to produce their fizz. Scented Bath Salts - There are different types of salts. A good scientist knows which to use to make soothing bath salts. Festive Gel Air Fresheners - You can make your own air fresheners. You can layer festive colors and add holiday scents, too.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Community Health Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Community Health Nursing - Research Paper Example The black community in this area has a long history and has continued to show tremendous growth in many aspects as compared to the white population that has continued to diminish. Many African Americans making up the community moved to this area that was previously associated with the whites and have since become the majority according to the 2010 census statistics. The community has a rich culture a mixture of the black culture and the white culture of the Germans immigrants who used to stay in this place. Demographic and Epidemiological data Baden community has a total population of 7,268 people of which the blacks make up a total of 6,676 while the whites are 461. The American Indian and Alaska native are 9; the native Hawaiian and other pacific islanders have been found to comprise of 1 individual (US. Census Bureau, 2011). The Asian are 3 while other people of two or more races are 96 of which the Hispanic and Latinos have been found to be 27. The other category comprised of 22 people and this is according to the 2010 census results. The current population of Baden has declined since the 2000 census from 8,441 to the current 7,268 representing a -14% decline. This has been attributed to the high rate of crime in the area that has contributed greatly to the decline in the population. This statistics represent the general trend in St. Louis County where the general population has been declining since the last census (US. Census Bureau, 2011). Reports also show that the place is a food desert and therefore many people have no access to fresh food (Gustin, 2010). Research has shown that without access to fresh food many people develop a range of health problems that range from diabetes to other nutrition-influenced illnesses such as obesity (Omoleke, 2011). The food deserts issue does not seem to affect Baden only. Statistics show that the entire country is faced with the problem of food deserts where people cannot access fresh fruits and vegetables. Approxima tely 23.5 million Americans are said to be living in a food desert (The week, 2011). A food desert is defined by the US department of Agriculture as any census district where approximately 20% of the inhabitants are living below the poverty line and 33% are staying over a mile from the nearest supermarket (Starr, 2011). Both the lower end and the upper end of the American population are affected with the problem of food desert with the problem existing both in urban and rural areas. In America, areas such as West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky that are majorly rural are faced with this problem as well as areas such as Detroit, Chicago and New York which are in the urban category (Starr, 2011). Windshield Survey A closer exploration of Baden reveals a lot of information about this community. There are various types of housing in this areas and these range from modern houses to the old architectural designs of houses. Residential houses are seen to be many and of different categories. So me or good stone houses mansions while some like those around the train tracks are mostly houses that are built for convenience purposes. Many of them are in bad state. There are many schools in Baden most of which are private and these include kindergartens and elementary schools. Baden school is the only public school in the community and serves many students. Baden has many churches most of which are Christian churches and these include Church of God, Our Lady of the Holy Cross, Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Dove Covenant Christian Center, Holy
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Discuss the ways in which Toyotaro, the protagonist of Maihime (The Assignment
Discuss the ways in which Toyotaro, the protagonist of Maihime (The Dancing Girl), thinks of his own identity - Assignment Example His story explicates the fact that he had done a mistake by following and doing what other people told him to do. For instance, he asserts that during his childhood, he was a sort of dictionary to his mother and law in the service of his boss (Ogai). This implies that he was not following his heart and doing whatever he wanted or whatever pleased him, but whatever pleased those around him. Toyotaro identity changes when he falls in love Elise, a German dancing girl. He falls in love with this girl despite their varied culture and race. This love transforms Toyotaro to the extent that he loses his job (Ogai). While in the ship, he feels guilty for leaving her behind and that’s when he fully thinks of his identity. For once, a sense of being himself and deciding for himself engulfs him. He does not fear anymore what would become of him when he makes his own decisions. In conclusion, Toyotaro’s discovery that he was able to decide for himself on how he was going to live his life was the climax of the realization of his identity. This was a problem affecting several young Japanese during Mori Ogai’s generation. In this case, he emerged as an enlightened young intellectual capable of choosing his fate and not depending on adults to choose their destiny for
Saturday, January 25, 2020
John F. Kennedy :: essays research papers
John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States (1961-1963). He was the youngest person ever to be elected president. Also, He was the first Roman Catholic president and the first president to be born in the 20the century. He served in World War II on PT boat. He also helped to solve the Cuban Missile Crisis and started Peace of Corps to help 3rd world countries better them selves. Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as president. Therefore, his achievements were limited. He was shot in the head and died within an hour. Kennedy was born on May 29,1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the second of nine children of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. "The other children in the family were Joseph, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert, Jean, and Edward."(Encarta' 95). "The Kennedys were an active family. With 11 people in the house, someone was always busy. The children took swimming, sailing, and tennis lessons."(Potts, Steve - 7). The Kennedy family had long been active in politics. His brothers Robert and Edward Kennedy also entered politics. Kennedy's both grand fathers had been active in politics. His father was a self-made millionaire. He served as first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and as U.S. ambassador to Great Britain during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kennedy's family called him jack. He and his older brother Joe were strong rivals. Jack was quiet and often shy, but held his owns in fights with Jo e. "The boys enjoyed playing touch football."(The World Book Encyclopedia, 261). His childhood was full of sports, fun and activity. This all ended when he grew up old enough to leave for school. Kennedy attended elementary schools in Brookline and Riverdale. "In 1930, when he was 13 years old, his father sent him to the Canterbury School in New Milford, Conn." (The World Book Encyclopedia, 261). One year later, he transferred to Choate Academy in Wallingford, Coon. He graduated from Choate in 1935 at the age of 18. He was promised a trip to London as a graduation gift but he became ill with jaundice and would have to go to the hospital. He spent the rest of the summer trying to recover. He was not entirely well when he started Princeton, several weeks later in the fall of 1935. The jaundice returned and he had to drop out of school.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Smog as Air Pollution
utNowadays pollution is becoming more and more serious problem, particularly air pollution. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the chemical elements of the atmosphere have changed. Along with the development of industrialization, air pollution has spread and now it is a global issue. There are many kinds of air pollution, one of them is smog. Smog can come from many areas, particularly factories and transportation systems, but there are some differences between developed and developing countries. In developed countries, highly developed industry is the main reason that smog is serious, they mostly use fossil fuels.However, developing countries started to industrialize, so increasing number of factories is the most important cause of smog and they always use the coal or wood burning. More and more people using cars and motorcycles also is a reason about that. Those of us who live in large cities are familiar with smog air pollution; the familiar brown haze resting over the city on a still day. We need to know what smog contains and where it comes from, as well as the health and environmental impacts of this hallmark of industrialization.There are two categories of smog to be covered: classic smog and the more recently described photochemical smog. Classic Smog In its most primitive and basic form, smog air pollution is the result of the burning of fossil fuels. It has several major components: 1) Smoke, which is tiny particles of ash, is released from the smokestacks of coal fired power stations. Coal power plants are now on the whole designed to trap this ash, called fly ash, which can be used to great effect in the concrete industry.These tiny particles contain not only carbon residue, but also silicon dioxide, calcium oxide and traces of heavy metals. If inhaled these can pose significant health risks. The silicon dioxide in the fly ash alone can cause lesions, scarring and inflammation of the lungs. 2) Sulfur Dioxide. Sulfur is present in allà ‚ fossil fuels and is released as Sulfur Dioxide when the fuels are burned. Sulfur Dioxide reacts with oxygen gas to give Sulfur Trioxide. This then can react with water to give Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4).Another possibility is that the Sulfur Dioxide reacts immediately with water to give Sulfurous Acid (H2SO3). Either way, the acid produced is highly reactive and capable of causing significant damage to crops, soil, buildings and more. Several industrialized nations now employ technology that captures approximately a third of Sulfur Dioxide from the emission gases of power stations, greatly reducing the problems of acid rain. Photochemical Smog This is a far more noxious mixture of chemicals than classic smog air pollution. Significant inroads have been made to reduce the main contributors to classic smog.Such efforts in relation to photochemical smog are still in their early stages. Photochemical smog air pollution is a mixture of various chemicals that react with sunlight to produ ce new chemicals. This is where the name comes from; photo means light and chemical means chemical, or product of a chemical reaction. The chemical reactions involved are complex and while they are important, we need to know the source of these pollutants and their effects. The chemicals involved need to be addressed separately. The three main ingredients are Nitrous Oxides, volatile organic compounds and Ozone.Carbon Monoxide is a toxic byproduct of fossil fuel combustion but is considered separate to photochemical smog. London smog disaster One of the famous smog with all bad effects is London Smog which was caused by heavy coal combustion during the winter of 1952, The weather in Greater London had been unusually cold for several weeks leading up to the event because of the cold weather, households were burning more coal than usual to keep warm. The smoke from approximately one million coal-fired stoves, in addition to the emissions from local industry, wa s released into the atmosphere.Increases in smoke and sulfur emissions from the combustion of coal had been occurring since the Industrial Revolution and the British were familiar with these types of smog events. At times, the smoke and emissions were so heavy that residents referred to the events as ‘pea soupers’ because the fog was as dense as pea soup. However, while the area had experienced heavy smog in the past, no event had caused such problems as the weather event in December, 1952. Thousands of tons of black soot, tar particles, and sulfur dioxide had accumulated in the air from the heavy coal combustion.Estimates of PM10 concentrations during December, 1952, range between 3,000 and 14,000? g/m? with the high range being approximately 50 times higher than normal levels at the time. PM10 is particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in diameter. Conditions for Londoners today are much better with PM 10 concentrations around 30? g/m?. Estimates also suggest that sulfur dioxide levels during December of 1952 were 7 times greater than normal at 700 parts per billion (ppb). The weather preceding and during the smog meant that Londoners were burning more coal than usual to keep warm.Post-war domestic coal tended to be of a relatively low-grade, sulphurous variety (economic necessity meant that better-quality â€Å"hard†coals tended to be exported), which increased the amount of sulphur dioxide in the smoke. There were also numerous coal-fired power stations in the Greater London area, including Battersea, Bankside, and Kingston upon Thames, all of which added to the pollution. Research suggests that additional pollution prevention systems fitted at Battersea may have actually worsened the air quality, reducing the output of soot at the cost of increased sulphur dioxide, though this is not certain.Additionally, there were pollution and smoke from vehicle exhaustâ€â€particularly from diesel-fuelled buses which had replaced the recent ly abandoned electric tram systemâ€â€and from other industrial and commercial sources. Prevailing winds had also blown heavily polluted air across the English Channel from industrial areas of Continental Europe. There was no panic, as London was renowned for its fog. In the weeks that ensued, however, statistics compiled by medical services found that the fog had killed 4,000 people.Most of the victims were very young, elderly, or had pre-existing respiratory problems. In February 1953, Lieutenant-Colonel Lipton suggested in the House of Commons that the fog had caused 6,000 deaths and that 25,000 more people had claimed sickness benefits in London during that period. Most of the deaths were caused by respiratory tract infections from hypoxia and as a result of mechanical obstruction of the air passages by pus arising from lung infections caused by the smog. The lung infections were mainly bronchopneumonia or acute purulent bronchitis superimposed upon chronic bronchitis.More re cent research suggests that the number of fatalities was considerably greater, at about 12,000. The death toll formed an important impetus to modern environmentalism, and it caused a rethinking of air pollution, as the smog had demonstrated its lethal potential. New regulations were implemented, restricting the use of dirty fuels in industry and banning black smoke. Environmental legislation since 1952, such as the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1954 and the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968, has led to a reduction in air pollution.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Racial Discrimination - 1867 Words
Seminar on Peace Education A Research Paper on Racial Discrimination Racism takes many forms. In general, it is a belief that a particular race or ethnicity is inferior or superior to others. Racial discrimination involves any act where a person is treated unfairly or vilified because of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin. Racism may take the form of stereotyping, name calling or insults, commentary in the media, speeches at public assemblies and abuse on the internet. It can include directly or indirectly excluding people from accessing services, employment, education or sporting activities. Racism can occur systemically, as the result of policies, conditions and practices that affect a broad group of people.†¦show more content†¦So meaning having dark skin is not good to look at. Though it is just an advertisement but still it could be another form of racial discrimination among dark people. But not only those advertisements in television, but even also some of our local â€Å"teleserye†or â€Å"telenobela†. In that, I can say that racism is prevalent in the Philippines. Racial discrimination of Filipinos doesn’t exist only within the country but also to other countries. Why do most people from Western and other rich countries discriminate Filipinos? And why do they usually think of us as Gold diggers and stuff? How inferior it is to hear that thing if you were in our part either it is not easy to take that in your part knowing that people around the world describes Filipino as a Domestic Helpers. In the Philippine history, Spanish colony has made a big change in the country and has made contributed positive things and negative things. The friars (Spanish friars of the past settling in the Philippines) is putting into the minds of the students and of the people that they are the Superiors since they are white and the Indios (Filipino’s of before) are brown. In that thing you can already see that there is racial discrimination. One positive thing I can give upon their (the Spanish) contribution to the Philippines is Christianity in the land. This has been the greatest thing Filipino’s at this present is proud of and has made most us religious,Show MoreRelatedOvert Racial Discrimination and Institutional Racial Discrimination635 Words  | 3 PagesPrior to the 1960s, discrimination was viewed as a creature of prejudice (Feagin Feagin, 1988). What this means is that the problem of discrimination was viewed as one motivated primarily by individuals (or groups of individuals) on the basis of prejudice or hatred. Implicit in this prejudice-causes-discrimination-model (Feagin Feagin, p. XX) was the assumption that the solution to discrimination was one of simply eliminating prejudice. 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